Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Creepers, Crawlers, and Slimy Creatures!

Hey all you insects, reptiles, rodents, and mammals that start with B and end in ATS,
Please come in to my house,
Spend the night in any room you darn well please!
Oh, you have to stay another night?! 
No problem. 
Stay as long as you like.
After all, you are my uninvited guests.
It is so nice that you are beautiful creatures.
I love how you keep me up in the night!  
Your scratching in the walls is music to my ears.

Now you green and yellow-bellied reptiles.
You're so sleek and sinuous in the way you move.
I cherish the way you startle me while I am mowing.
And the way you slither over my toes while I pull weeds and fix the landscaping.
You may be harmless but you are so hypnotic in the way you rule MY yard.
Your scales are so shiny and dazzling in the sunlight.
Thanks for coming into my yard and sticking around!

Guess what insects it’s your turn!
I am so happy that you find ways into my house.
Especially when I least expect you.
Your beautiful legs give me the shivers.
Please keep crawling all over my house.
Oh and please don’t stop eating MY delicious food.
Keep coming into my bathtubs and sinks.
You are so delicate and fragile in the way you climb the walls.
Thank you for finding your way into my creaky aged home.

Ah yes, time for the rodents.
Your beady black eyes shine bright like a shooting star.
I admire your silky whiskers threaded into that little nose of yours.
Your bulbous ears are alluring to those who gaze upon them.
Stunning tail whips side to side with every step.
Would you do me a favor?
Please keep discovering a way into the basement.

Finally, the animal of resistance.
That’s right bats I am talking about you.
I love the way you find ways into my house.
You wow me with your scratching in the walls and chimney.
Please don’t stop gliding around the house.
Or when you graceful body lands on the carpet 
Please keep chasing me around my house.
Don’t stop living in my house!

All you creatures are so wonderful!
PLEASE don’t ever stop coming into my house!
You creatures are the best.
You are loved by all my heart.
I will definitely miss you.
Till the next time we meet.

~ Scooby McRoses

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