Thursday, September 26, 2019

My Snack

I was lying in bed.
I accidentally hit my head.
"Ouch" is what I said.
I hit my head on a sled.
Which knocked me back on my bed.
Snow was falling outside my window.
It was so cold that I was purple.
Then I remembered I was a grape.
Turned into a raisin.
A crispy little raisin.
That soon was transformed into cereal.
Very crunchy cereal.
It felt so real.
As I ate myself.
Ate myself so tenderly, sweetly.
My stomach was full.
Of love and fulfillment.
Just kidding! My breakfast daydream breaks.
My stomach growls in longing.
So I get up to feed my little monster.
It is now satisfied.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Humanity horrors

So many monsters hidden in the dark 
Yet it’s the people ripping me apart 
Seen as only paper in their eyes
Ripped crumpled and thrown aside 

Rumors and lies float around school
Talking crap only makes you cool 
Being nice means you have no friends
When will this deadly cycle end 

Social media claims it's right
So many thoughts keeping me up at night 
Tossing and turning back and forth 
It's up to you to save the earth 

Polluted, evil ripped apart 
Follow your brain not your heart
Sexism, racism, no one's safe
traffickers, and those who rape

Living in a world so ruined and wrong 
Yet so many growing in it still so young. 
School shootings on the news 
It's all about who has the most views 

Terrorist attacks then off to battle
Jump on the horse, hop in a saddle 
Soldiers fighting far away 
Little girls begging their dads to stay 

Sitting in class my mind is racing 
So many dreams I keep on chasing 
To travel abroad but that's not safe 
To get my own house and find my own place 

Keep the doors locked, don't walk at night 
You have to learn what's wrong and right 
Depression, anxiety, dealing with trauma
Lack of sleep, can't handle your drama 

It's not hard just to be kind 
You might be shocked at what you find 

We are so much stronger when we stick together 
Put a smile on no matter the weather 

So much to do so little time 
So many jobs we must assign 
Clean up the earth and humanity in one 
We can not stop until we're 

Step by step and hand in hand 
We can still clean up this wasteland 
Pick up some trash help a friend 
Don't let this be how our story ends 


Monday, September 23, 2019

An Ode To My Stress

An Ode To My Stress

To my dear stress
I just want to give thanks,
Without your constant nagging
I probably could think straight.,

Oh dear stress
I wish you the best,
You’ve brought me many friends
I think procrastination is my favorite pest.,

To my dear stress
No one cares as much as you,
When the lights are out

I find myself always thinking of what’s due -- I mean you!


Friday, September 20, 2019

An Ode to Asthma

I LOVE asthma so much
It’s the best
It's as though your breathing through a straw
Always having to carrying an inhaler
The white cap never gets dirty I swear!
The best is sports induced
Asthma makes all sports fun,
especially running
Having to take medicine to breath
When people tell you to breath, 
Like thank you that helps so much

Asthma, you take my breath away!


Thursday, September 19, 2019

We Love Our WORLD

This world is a strange and unique place.
There are great things out there.
And there are not so great things out there.
It's full of mystery and history.
Full of wise and not so wise people.
But those mistakes make us who we are.
They define us as people.
No one is perfect,
except maybe Keanu Reeves.
Have confidence in yourself and you'll be fine.
Have faith in Keanu and you shall be saved.
But most of all, learn to love yourself.
And Keanu Reeves too.
He's honestly a great dude.
I mean you should know this already.
He's basically God, man.
He looks like he should be on romance novel.
Ted on his excellent adventure with wild stallions.
Or The Rock. Don't forget him!
Liam Hemsworth. Yum.
And this is why we love our world.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019


The scent of the new pages grasping my fingertips warmed my nerdy heart.
It was a beautiful scent,
Smelled fresh of a new adventure.
As my fingers flipped the pages with a new song,
I took in the wondrous sight of letters
Letters scrambled together to make sentences,
Sentences bunched together to create unique thoughts.
A riot of plot, characters, and emotion
And the story was reaching a climax, 
An exciting rollercoaster.
I couldn't contain my emotions
I felt like I needed to do something; jump up and shout for joy!
But I couldn't because I lost my voice.
Instead, I used my actions.
I put my pencil on the paper,
And wrote what I was trying to say. 
My thoughts turned into words, 
Words turned into writing,
And I messed up and scribble all over.
Grabbing a new piece of paper, I attempt my thoughts once more,
And slowly, the pencil takes control.


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lost Sense

What’s it like not to hear anything
I think it would be peaceful 
I don’t know if you’d be lonely 
Or left out of society
To not understand what people are saying
 But nodding your head would confuse people
When going to places and not have a care in the world
Seems nice
If people who have hearing loss put up with it
Then I can too
Would be cool to walk on the railroad tracks and not care if a train is coming
Not being able to hear a car and get run over
At least not having to deal with annoying people or loud concerts
Or my parents nagging at me to do chores
Sounds fine with me
I think driving would be awesome
But missing out on the commotion going on during the holidays
And listening to music
It would be weird trying sleep
If people who have hearing loss put up with it
Then I can adapt too


Monday, September 16, 2019


Worthless is mucky brown, the color of dirty water being washed down the drain. Quickly forgotten. He spends his days drifting through the wind like a plastic bag, too weak to fight it. He has no control over where he goes. Worthless has never had any friends. He doesn’t know any feelings other than the heart-wrenching devastation of letting others down and disappointing those who believe in him. Some days he looks in school windows, wishing he was smart enough to go to learn with the others. He doesn’t even know his age because no one has ever told him happy birthday. He only has the clothes on his back; an empty potato sack he once found in a dumpster.

Nobody cares about him. Nobody asks how he is. Nobody takes even a second out of their day to listen to him. The only time he’s ever acknowledged is when people yell at him for being in their way, for wasting space, for being worthless. So that’s who he’s become.

Ms. E

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Child of the Wind

The breeze was like a child whispering secrets in one's ear
A street light was flickering gently, illuminating the darkness for only seconds at a time
The street lay silent like a predator about to pounce on its prey
The air was crisp and the chill nipped at your nose
Nothing dared to disturb the looming silence
Then a strong gust of wind whistled throughout the empty streets
Ripping through the silence 
Leaves on the trees clung tightly to their branches as the wind whipped on
Trees rocked and swayed back and forth
While deserted buildings stood still like statues, yet they could give away at any moment
Suddenly it all stopped as quickly as it had started
Almost everything was silent again
Except the small creaking of a rusty swing on a worn down swing set
A small child's laughter echoed throughout the lonely park and dead town
The wind whistled back again, as if mocking the young boy's cackles 
He held up his hand, and all was still
A sly smirk slowly crept across the boy's face
He wasn't alone anymore, he had finally found a friend
Sliding off the rusty swing, he stepped into the overgrown grass
He spread his arms and let his new friend take him away
- NK

Lovely, Lovely Dolls

Oh Dolls
Porcelain and prim
Plastic and fantastic
Other wonderful ways of making you.
You appear in my dreams
Making them 
So much better
Chasing me
With those knives
How my heart races
With absolute delight.
I hope you 
Eat My kneecaps 
Like in the last dream.

You appear in the toy section of aisles
And my heart stops with joy
Oh how divine!
Your eyes are so lovely!
I see all of you.
Little girls.
Little boys.
Baby dolls 
That look like
Real babies.
I’m absolutely enthralled!

I recall the tales 
of Robert and Annabelle
With only the sincerest elation
I remember the movie
With the doll
Too wonderful to name
That totally does not give me
Any nightmares
Only the sweetest of dreams.
Where he murders me.

Oh dolls.
How you make my life 

So much better.

- Sleep Paralysis Demon