Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Dang it

My mom told me to clean my room
I couldn't  find my broom
I gave up
Now i can't go out for a month
And I have to get up before noon.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Chasing the Stars

     Getting ready in five minuets is a key task for a high school girl to learn. Once someone calls you and asks to drive around, you don't have much time to get ready. But, trust me it's worth the experience and be able to feel invincible until Monday hits again. Letting out all the stresses of the week is really important. While capturing the moment, this is what i see:

Watching the dirt kick up behind the truck as you speed across dirt roads.
Sharing food and drinks with friends.
Blaring music bursts out of the car.
Looking over at your friends and all you can do is smile.
Texting other people to meet up and talk.
Going to the middle of nowhere and turning off the lights to look at the stars.
Being taught how to do burn outs and cookies.
Laughing until you can't breathe.
Being surrounded by the people who care about you the most.
Talking about anything and everything.
Chasing the moon down to get the best sight.
Getting pressured into a little over the speed limit, but being too chicken to try it.
Having really pointless talks.
But also some really deep talks.
Town is vacant other then the few other kids driving around too.
Making nights and memories that will never be forgotten.
Losing your way and having to ask the boys for directions back.
Getting nervous when passing cops even though you're not doing anything illegal.
Sharing new dumb things with each other.
Getting really off topic with conversations.
Maybe accidentally doing something illegal but saying it's okay.
Getting to know the town like the back of your hand.
Racing home to get back before curfew happens basically every time.


Friday, November 20, 2015


During a meet you tie up your spikes.
I get a really jumpy feeling of nervousness and excitement.
People getting really pumped.
The noise of everybody yelling your name out in the crowd.
Although sometimes you can hear your breathing. 
People yelling at you to get up to the next team.

Everybody yells and cheers for the teams.
While I run I can see the digging of the spikes.
Competitors are heavily breathing.
I hear more people getting joy, thrill, and excitement.
I am trying to catch up to my team.
As soon as I do I get to pumped.

The more they cheer I get happier and pumped.
Everybody ia yelling at me and my team.
Out there i see my parents in the crowd.
I see everybody's spikes.
I look at mine and get the excitement.
I have really heavy breathing.

While I look at people they see me breathing.
Everybody is still pumped.
I am still seeing the excitement.
I am trying to catch up to get the other team.
Everybody is like "hey cool shoes!" and I look down at my spikes.
Towards the end I hear the roaring of the crowd.

Everything is wrapping up and I like to see people cheering for me in the crowd.
You can hear people getting exhausted from yelling, and they are out of breath for breathing.
My feet are getting tired, but my feet feel light because of these spikes.
I am getting ready to feel nervous, but also pumped.
Everybody during this point is gathering with their team.
You start to see their eyes feel with excitement.

As soon as your ready for excitement.
Everybody is roaring in the crowd.
Everybody starts acting more like a team.
Almost everybody is out of room for breathing.
I am getting way to much pumped.
I cross the finish line with my spikes.

I look down as soon as I see my spikes I know I see the excitement.
People look at their number and get pumped and look for their parents in the crowd.
I know we are breathing heavy, but we also worked so hard as a team.
-By: AB

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Visit this

Of all the places to visit go to Rome,
 of all the people the girl,
 only saw amazing,
The dark haired blue eye boy,
Visited only the Colosseum,
It didn't feel very vibrant.

Shouldn't it have felt vibrant,
After all it was Rome.
The Colosseum
Should have felt different to the girl.
I know it did to the boy.
Now he only saw amazing.

The whole experience should be amazing
The whole adventure should be vibrant
Only one other thing was fantastic for the boy.
Not the entire Rome
thing, it was the girl
Where they met at the Colosseum.

Who knew it would have been the Colosseum.
Now everything is amazing
I guess the girl
Could like more than just the vibrant
City of Rome.
Now everything was different for the girl and boy.

Even though it was exciting it also scared the boy.
He had to leave the comfort of the safe Colosseum.
He would now have to go to different places in Rome.
Would it be amazing?
Would it be vibrant?
He would just have to trust the girl.

But should trust the girl?
Oh boy.
She didn't lie, it was vibrant
Although not like the Colosseum.
Their time was amazing
In the big city if Rome.

If Rome was this fantastic for the girl
And this amazing for the boy
Now they both think you need to describe the Colosseum as vibrant.

Day Inside

Early in the morning you find the sun.
Everyone is all up and going, but I'm still in bed.
I don't want to get up for school, so I'll probably cry.
First, I need to have some good food.
Maybe I'll see if I got a good morning text from my man.
As I'm heading out, I look in the mirror and say "I need to work out before I get fat."

I'm lazy, but I don't want to be fat.
I might need to get up before the sun.
Well, I could ask my man,
But he's probably still in bed.
We should probably have healthy food.
It's good in all, but the junk food will make me cry.

As all the junk food comes out I cry
Because I don't want to get fat.
So, I get my healthy food
And go outside to lie in the sun.
Afterwards, I go to my bed
And lay down with my man.

This morning, I looked at my handsome man
And he wanted to cry.
I could tell, so he went back to bed.
I went to get him breakfast, pancakes that are fat.
Then, I opened the curtains so he could see the sun
And he then ate his food.

He said, "that was some good food,
Man oh man."
His smile is as bright as the sun,
I could just cry.
Maybe that'll get rid of my fat.
Now, I'm tired so I'm going to take a nap on my bed.

As I lay in bed,
I take out my food
And get even more fat.
Then here comes my man
And he wanted to cry
Because his eyes hurt from the sun.

I love the sun shining as I'm lying in bed,
But there I cry because he takes my food.
My man is great, but I think he's getting fat.


Bad Feelings and good feelings

I wake up an I don't even 
Feel like waking up 
Because you have a test, 
You wake up to your grandma calling 
An your grandpa had to go to the hospital.
Or you have to go to the job that you dread every day.

I am up all night because I'm excited for the
Next day. A special day like your
Brothers wedding, it's your last day 
Of high school, it's graduation day 
Or your last and final prom.

My Evil Twin

I'm the guy you can call at five the morning,
the person that can't plan for time to sleep.
The man you would see jamming out to church music,
the guy that's so kind that would assist a wounded sparrow.
The man's dream place would be China,
the friend that if found a wallet would find its owner.
The brother that would never leave his family,
the guy that dress up in a uniform for any occasion.
The best employee for a small work environment,
the man that works all day in the evening.
By The J

The List

In the month of November, there's only one thing on everyone's mind. The holiday with the guy in the big red suit and white beard. Everyone begins putting decorations up. They wonder if they were naughty or nice. They start making a list and checking it twice. This is what I wish for this holiday season:
Endless amounts of hot chocolate with marshmallows,
Nothing going wrong,
A wonderful, white Christmas Day,
An extra long winter break,
The perfect meal at grandpa's,
Hugs from all my little cousins,
My favorite dessert of all time, pumpkin bars,
My grandma's famous apple cider,
Bags and bags of dove chocolate,
New clothes,
Those shoes I've been eyeing,
My secret Santa to be a secret the whole time,
Monkey bread on the morning of Christmas, 
Being able to watch all our new movies,
Try not to kill each other at apples to apples,
Seeing my family from all their different states,
Get so much sleep that I'm tired of sleep,
A boyfriend would be nice,
Stay on the sled longer than I did last year,
Basketball practice gets canceled, 
My annual nap on my grandpa's couch,
And finally, make some memories that I will never forget.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Decorations everywhere, tunes being hummed in the halls
The buzz of Christmas is everywhere
It's only a couple days 'til break, but my celebration starts today
It's my birthday, so tonight there'll be cake and gifts
I don't have to wait until Christmas morning like everyone else
Then there's the last day of school, which is supposed to be an easy, fun day
We get out early and everybody's excited
We pick up the girls and head home
Soon mom and dad join us
We have every day of the break planned and filled
That weekend we have Christmas with either side of the family
Normally the my dad's side, and we go to Grand Island or Lincoln and stay at my aunt's
There's always a big meal, followed by gift opening that night
Anyone who hasn't graduated college gets a gift from everybody
If you've graduated you only get gifts from grandma and grandpa
Then we head back home and have a day off, then it's Christmas Eve
We are always home, just us as a family, on Christmas Eve
On Christmas morning we wait until all us kids are away and wait in our rooms
Then we go get mom and dad, and admire our gifts under the tree and empty our stockings
A few days later is my mom's side's Christmas
We eat crab legs that Carl brings from St. Louis
Mmmmm mmmmmmm
Then there's gifts and sometimes we shoot for some fun
Then we do different things the rest of break
Of course, there's still practice
But then we're back to our regular routine of school on a daily


Summers First Storm

Mother Nature
I can see her anger from outside my window
She shows off her beautiful
power through many inches of rain.
I hear a crack of thunder
as the rain falls onto my rooftop, softly.

But then it changes from softly
to violently, and Mother Nature
becomes angrier. The thunder
causes me to jump this time and I look out my window
to see the rain
is falling harder now, but is still so beautiful

My window is covered in racing rain drops, beautiful.
The storm is becoming louder now, and the rain is no longer falling softly
I’ve always loved rain.
It’s beautiful how nature
can change its form so quickly. Again, I look out my window
and see a giant flash of lightning, followed by more thunder.

The rain
and the thunder
almost scares me. 
I watch in awe as mother nature
continues to work her beautiful
magic. The tree branches swing softly
in the wind, then violently and leaves fly at my window.

Outside my window,
the rain
starts to fall more softly.
The thunder
lessens and I begin to spy a beautiful
rainbow in the distance. Ah, nature.

It’s amazing, the things Mother Nature can show you from outside your window. The first storm of summer is my favorite and is always the most beautiful. I love listening to the rain fall softly on my window sill. But all of this rain and thunder will never keep me from seeing such a perfect storm. 


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My Life

You never told my mom that you were bored.
If so, she would make you do jobs around the house.
Rarely, my brother and I got bored.
Jumping on the silo- you could be smelled from miles away.
Riding four wheelers was such a fun hobby.
Drawing with Justin, was a very fun thing to do.
We were never bored while riding in the tractor.

Today, everything leaves me to boredom.
I take naps when I'm bored.
Eating junky food is also a bad habit.
Going on my phone even makes me more bored.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Red is a cardinal, an apple, and Ms. Olson's chairs.
Red is the taste of Skittles.
Red smells like fire and salsa.
Red makes me feel embarrassed.
Red is the sound of a fire truck and a robin.
Red is memorial stadium on Saturday, the Pizza Hut sign, and Target circles.
Red is getting a burn.
Red is a crayola crayon.
Red is the pepperoni on a pizza.

Chucky Gubbles

Friday, November 6, 2015

Imaginary Friends

My favorite place
Was with my imaginary friends
It was in my living room
Where we played dolls together

We even ate sandwiches together.
One time my imaginary friend Vanessa wasn't eating her sandwich.
I told my mom," I think I'm going to eat Vanessa's sandwich for her."
My mom laughed
But I was like no mother I'm serious 💁🏽.

Then when I got a new baby sitter
I got a new imaginary friend.
Her name was Nicole
We played in her basement while the
Real Nicole watched me.
Me and imaginary Nicole talked through our minds while we played dolls


Thursday, November 5, 2015


My favorite place is probably very cliche
 But I love it more than life
My favorite place is my bed
 It is where I go to clear my head
I always know that I can count on my bed to be there
 It never leaves me
My bed a,ways gives me such a warm welcome
 And hates when I have to leave
Blankets and pillows everywhere
 My bed is my favorite place

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My Freedom

In my favorite place I can speak my mind
I can say whatever I want to say
Whenever I want too say it
And I can do this without being interrupted
In my favorite place things to to are limitless
It reminds me to be rational
Helps me keep a cool head
My favorite place brings out the best in me
And sometimes the worst
Here I can't yell or whisper
But that's okay
My place knows more about me then anyone else
So my favorite place is my mind
It's somewhere that will never change
I've never had a place to myself
Where I could just be alone
So naturally I resorted to the one thing I could truly be me
And have complete freedom


Monday, November 2, 2015

My Favorite Place,
is not an extravagant place,
it is not somewhere that everyone knows.

I love the smell of the kitchen,
where love meets and laughter is shared.
The memories are always strong and never fade.
I love the existence of everyone there.

The atmosphere of farms and nature could melt your heart.
Prettier than a picture on a fall day.
Leaves blowing through the air,
as we sit on the porch waiting for the food to be eaten.

Smiles brighter than the sun,
there would be never ending subjects to discuss.
Pumpkins everywhere and spice sprayed continously.
Kids running constantly trying to not break anything.
Not breaking something rarely occurs.

Grandpa and Grandma worked for everything on that farm.
Machinery sitting outside waiting for the next day to be used.
Buildings and buns so faded-
seeming like they have witnessed every hardship too.
A clothesline stands there as a symbol of proudness my Grandparents share.

I reminisce on the memories of Great-Grandma's house being there,
seemed like yesterday it was removed.
How blessed am I to have her watching over me.

That old-rusted mailbox that used to be,
reminds me of the races we had, ending there,
or the time waited there for the mailman to give us a sucker.
That memorable rusty mailbox turned into a John Deere one.

The old pins that were once used for hogs,
will remind me of all the squeals heard.
The cows would line up at the fence waiting to be heard,
or just to be talked too.

Grandma and Grandpa's house will never be a faded memory.