Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Trash Can Life

     Stop the abuse of trash cans. every hour 10 trash cans are abused by garbage trucks. It takes just a quarter to save a can in need. Give us a quarter Jeremy... Yoooo...I saw the trash man this morning he was having a great time! He loves his Cardi B bops... Jeremy the trashman always gives $50 for the trashcan relief fund. Poor freshmen, if only they would grow a brain and stay away from garbage trucks + provide relief for the trash cans... PLEASE SEND MONEY NOW :(... Jeremy here has been demoted to a trashman. Embrace the trash panda life!! A Dollar a day keeps the trashman away! 


ode to undesireable things

                                             I love when people are manipulative and selfish

It’s my favorite when rumors are spread about me

I find it charming when people share personal aspects of my life that I trusted them with

Boys only wanting me for my body is one of my more preferred traits of my generation

The beautiful God given world has been destroyed because of us

It seems we bring nothing but destruction

Harm, hurt, and sadness

We are only product of the system

We’ve been taught to seek happiness in materialistic things 

and destroy life in the process

We were never taught that contentedness comes from passions, loved ones, and the little things

We put our guards up

Attack before we get attacked

And sometimes hurt those most important to us

We hurt others when our intent was only pure

We sometimes feel we’re not good enough because of those who appear more “perfect” than us

It feels like there’s often no way to win

yet I still see most people purely



Able to love unfailingly to anyone worth the energy

And even to those who aren't



Beautiful souls pass me in the halls

Perfectly imperfect hearts

Each with our own baggage that makes each individual their own 

We are a flawed generation

I know it to be true

But were all trying our best to make it in a world this cruel

We are a flawed generation

Products of a dysfunctional human race

And the world is tough

But we are enough

And we are all trying our best


Monday, September 27, 2021


 "In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity."

"We should inject ourselves with bleach!" ... maybe not...

I do not wish to die, let's not.

opportunity is knocking, answer it

... but without bleach!

Maybe we like to Sydney.

Yes because it will fulfill your thirst for the rest of your life

... let's say we did, but the opposite.

and by use dyed water to disguise bleach and have a great day!

But would the bleach make our blood a different color?...

It will make it rainbow! :)

But why?...

-Memento Mori

Friday, September 24, 2021

Dolls, My Favorite


My most favorite object.

How I love them.

Their glossy, often lifeless eyes.

The nightmares induced by them lull me softly to sleep.

Porcelain, resin, plastic.

It’s fantastic.

I adore their unnatural smiles.

Uncanny valley? Who’s she?

I love them all.

Annabelle, Billy, the one just too wonderful to name.

Who has made me traumatized since I was little.

I love him.

And his lifeless eyes which make me freeze up and then quickly scroll away.

I can easily just yeet one.

However, when I see them standing there…

In a dark, suspenseful hallway…

When I’m alone…

They are simply too precious to throw!

I must just leave them alone, running while I sob with delight!

I also adore the different varieties of dolls.





How I love their auras which so horrifyingly disturb me.

Oh? One of them has a knife?

How delightful!

I will gladly keep my distance.

How nice for it though!

- The Friendly Ghost

Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Bucket

 A bucket and a mop that's so WAP.

Even thought, I'm currently mopping up the blood of my latest victim.

And finding dead body parts everywhere, hanging on the ceiling.

I turn the TV off… that's enough of the :(

Time to go and get on a different track.

Maybe some comedy? Harry Styles is funny.

Maybe a business? I could sell cupcakes. (Poison some, some not)

That would make me some money, maybe clean up my life?

… With a bucket and a mop ;)

That's … so … WAP … and scene.


Monday, September 20, 2021

Faith In Humanity

 A lady spent numerous months hospitalized after a horrific car wreck. She was finally able to get around and go get groceries. As she was waiting in line to check out, the man in front of her turned around, smiled,  and said, ¨You know, Iḿ so happy to see you and that you´re alive and able to be here.¨ His transaction was finalized, and the cashier began to hand him his change- $50. Without hesitation, he said, ¨Put it on her tab.¨ The lady was so overjoyed and thankful for the manś kind actions, that she almost began to cry. It's the smallest moments in life that mean the most. 

- Squid

Friday, September 17, 2021

Left Brain, Right Brain

 Well hello, again dear readers of my chaos and weirdness. This time around I don't know what we'll talk about yet, I do know though that I haven't planned a single moment of the word vomit that is about to happen. That's okay though, everything is totally fine... totally. I've been swamped with stuff this last week as I'm sure many other people have as well, but we're doing our best so just give me a second to brainstorm and we'll start this new adventure of storytelling!


Yeah okay, I'm just gonna give you a poem I wrote a few weeks ago for class. There is a lot going on, but I like it quite a lot! I hope you enjoy it!

Left Brain, Right Brain: The Guide To All

My mind’s a maze of chaos and cuddles

Details and fine print

Looking like the taste of a sugar high

Smelling like musty book pages

The walls of the maze shift and start babbling the ideas kept inside

“この女性はクレイジーだがオリジナル” This lady’s crazy, but inventive

スマートでありながら秘密主義 Smart yet secretive

As I teleport further into my mind, getting lost in the twist and turns along the paths

I walk through the freezing heatwave of images 

Of past and present nostalgias and theories

Myranda, you’re a genius of disbelief

Why thank you

I hear a factory churning as it takes in information and yeets out facts

At a rate too fast to comprehend

I see the smoke rising from it in colors to muddled to tell apart

But I know each one stems from a different petal of thought

I smell the salty scent of overworked factory workers tears as they beg for sleep 

And wipe paint and clay from their cloaks

I taste the chaos and revel in it

I reach out and touch the prickly book of disorder that records every thought, thought and every word heard from that factory

That shows every dark secret and light joke

That seemingly never ends

No...nevermind it’s not a factory but an office where a full team works together to produce a product

A product that never stops

The other part of my brain is so unlike that office of fun and tears

Paint and clay, brushstrokes and storyboards

I turn the opposite direction to face the other half of my maze, the analytical part

That’s not half as fun as the rest, but I appreciate it all it’s own

“Harmony, this side is good, this side is logical and thought provoking.”

“But, Myranda the other side has fictional drama and magic, so much more exciting than math and essay notes!”

I continue my walk into the clean sane looking atmosphere of my critical thoughts

Although sane is hardly the word to describe it

“Ah yes there are the scammers that live in town, they’re very nice though!”

They stand around on the border between both halves

The two-edged sword of creativity and logic

Causing workers to walk by and look with caution, so the people come back day after day

They sell the half-baked morsels of thoughts that no one else thinks of

They sell to the meticulous and the crazy 

A wide spectrum of customers and products

Cats that can talk, homework that almost does itself

I enter the center of the data mine

I watch androids running around spilling papers into piles that aren’t piles

A wide-open space looking chic and modern like a robots armor, yet scattered with sheets

Scattered with debris: scribbles of projects, scratches of notes, jots of math equations

Somehow supposedly precise

Spread all around in a tornado of paper storms 

As each machine goes about its task: Science, math, language, history, art

Soon the places will fuse, as they always seem to do

They will come together and never separate back to two 

Promising the other, the workers of brushstrokes and storyboards to the bots of paper and ink-We will never leave

No matter what you think 

I will stay by you when the sun rises at midnight and the stars light the day

As the rainbow smoke and paper tornadoes collide and the scammers turn to workers of a different kind

I hear the walls once more in a voice different from before

I promise you Myranda on Earth, Aradyn, Saseana, and beyond 

When we collide the fun will have hardly yet begun

I teleport back to the start of the maze, seeing the beauty through all of the haze

Waiting for the prickly book of disorder to end and start anew

*The Japanese in word form and not kanji

Kono josei wa kyōkidesu sumātodearinagara himitsu shugi

Anyway, to anyone who stayed for all of those words, I wish you a magical day! :)

                ~Ms. Magic~

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Dear Sexist Males

Sexist Males

Oh, how your toxic masculinity

makes me feel so appreciated.

I admire how your face

Can. Be. Found. Everywhere.

I. look. 

In my school, 

And on TV. 

Some of you, 

Are so kind. 

But not really. 

Your athleticism can be compared 

to the mighty Hercules.

If only, if only, 

You were emotionally strong as well. 

But  I’m sure you’ll still succeed, 

In your own way. 

Oh, and your beautiful comments, 

When I am presenting a school project, 

Make me so happy. 

I work so hard, 

Just for you to criticize my project. 

Which obviously could never be as good as yours. 

If only you had actually done your project, 

So you could give me some tips.

Also, I appreciate how when I go to speak, 

You cut me off. 

Your words are so much more important 

For everyone else to hear. 

You are found everywhere. 

Young and old. 

Short and tall.
Don't be insecure about yourself!

No one could be better than you. 

After all, how many state championships do you have?

Dear reader,

    It seems that from the time women are born, they are objectified, discriminated against, and treated as more of a companion, than a person. Whether it be teachers only asking the boys to help lift "heavy objects," to parents claiming their son will have all the girls flocking over him, females are often seen as less when compared to a male. 

    Women have a bigger place in our society than the immaculate standards and placement the male gender labels us to have. We are more than mothers and daughters. We are NOT objects, not trophies, not inanimate objects to ignore. 


    We are people. 

~Per Aspera Ad Astra~

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Thankful For...

 I am truly blessed beyond measure. I love writing down what I am thankful for because it helps me remember how blessed I truly am. These are just a few of the things I am thankful for.

I am thankful for… 

My health - so many people endure pain every day and just want to be healthy again

My life - the opportunity to live, do amazing things, be me, and brighten someone’s day

My family - parents who love and support me in all that I do, as well as my siblings that always have my back and make life interesting

My friends - the people that are always there for me and make me laugh

All of my talents and abilities - makes me thank God for all the blessings he bestowed on me

All of my flaws - I am a human being, I am not perfect, but I am grateful for my flaws because they make me unique, as well as more grateful for the things that I am good at

My pets - after a long day my animals are always excited to see me 

Silence - in my chaotic life, sometimes I just like to sit and appreciate the silence

Traveling - I am forever grateful for all of the opportunities I have had to see the world and try new things

Smiles :) - I love smiling, smiles light up a room and can make someone’s day a little brighter

Going to the lake - my family always has the best time at the lake together boating, tubing, riding jet skis, water skiing, playing in the sand, etc.

Pictures - to capture all of life’s greatest moments

Warm weather - I love the feeling of the sun’s rays shining on my skin

Desserts - they are so yummy!

The bad moments in life - they make you that much more appreciative of the good

Music - makes me want to get up and dance 

Books - help me escape reality and live in the story 

My bed and blankets - snuggling up in my warm, cozy bed is the best feeling

Mistakes - making mistakes help me learn and grow to become a better person

Movies and TV Shows - are the best thing to watch when you want to relax

Everyone in my life - has impacted me and made me into the person I am today

Determination - helps me finish what I started and push through tough times 

Chocolate - the taste of sweet deliciousness 

Flowers and small gifts - they are a reminder that someone is thinking of you

Sunrises and sunsets - help you remember how beautiful/amazing life is once you take a moment to stop and look around

Random acts of kindness - show that there are kind people in this world that want to make the world a better place

Generosity - fortunate people sharing their wealth with those who are less fortunate

Freedom - to act as I please and make my own decisions

I feel like I could go on forever! Life can get pretty chaotic at times, but when you take a moment to stop and look around, you will realize that life is pretty amazing, and you have so much to be grateful for. 

- M

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Chapter One

August 14th, 2017 

7:34 AM 

Breathe Jared. Just freaking breathe.  I look up at the tar-black sky, gray clouds surrounding the empty void.

Crystalline drops splatter onto the smooth white pavement, causing it to darken. 

Clinging onto the small stack of textbooks in my arms, I continue to run. 

Why didn’t you put them into your bag?

The frigid wind stings, blowing tauntingly across my face, viciously tearing into my skin. 

Why didn’t you put up your hood?

Butterflies fly out of my stomach and crawl up my throat as the grayed red bricked building comes into my view. I rummage through my pocket, my hand brushing against the smooth rectangular card.

A bolt of lightning flashes through the sky, seeming to light up the old weather beaten school.

My hands shake as I step closer, reaching my arm out towards the long silver handle. 

I shiver as my skin makes contact with the metal, I take a breath and push the handle down, successfully opening the door. 

I step through the school’s entryway, swiping my student ID card to open the second door. 

As I walk in I hear the secretary talking to a teacher. Both of them begin to laugh. 

I feel my body tense up. 

They’re laughing at you.


What could I have done wrong? I just walked in. 

“Yes,” a woman chuckled. “Such great weather for the first day back.” 

I enter the hallway, trying to draw the least amount of attention to myself as possible.This plan immediately fails as my wet shoe makes one of those annoying squeaking sounds. 

Picking up my pace, I feel the butterflies flying around in my stomach, begging to be released. 

The newly recruited freshmen are all packed next to the lockers, gossiping about things that have happened in the summer. It’s nothing of my concern. 

I glue my eyes to the floor, hoping that nobody is looking at me. 

As I approach the familiar hallway bathroom, I finally look up. I lean against the heavy door, pushing it open. Normally no one uses the hallway bathroom, but today is just my luck. 

The bathroom is full. People everywhere. 

My hands begin to twitch, but I ignore it, mustering up the courage to walk up to the sinks. I silently look at my reflection through the fingerprinted glass. It’s part of my normal routine to do an appearance check before every class. 

It’s better to know if something is wrong with you first, then to have someone point it out in front of everyone later. I’ve been doing so many apperence checks lately, and with every new one I get even more and more unattractive. If that was even possible. 

My face is an extremely pale color that makes me look like I’m constantly sick. It makes my freckles pop out a lot more as well, and I have way too many freckles. Like it’s so bad that it could probably trigger someone’s trypophobia. 

My hair is drenched with icy cold water, turning my normally auburn hair into a greasy black color. The scalp is incredibly visible, showing every individual how thin my hair is. Messily hanging in front of my eyes are my bangs, which are dripping from the rain. Mom used to be a hairdresser and always tells me to get the hair out of my eyes. Even if I try it always returns to that same spot. 

Next up is my mouth. Ew. My lips are very dry and you can see my bite marks. Biting my lips is a horrible habit of mine- Speaking of teeth however.. Mine are disgustingly crooked, and I was also blessed with a huge overbite. Thank you, God, really appreciate it. 

Mom refuses to let me get braces, telling me that I don’t need them even though the dentist said otherwise. But that’s just how mom is. She says things like braces and glasses are just reminders of a person’s imperfections.

Height is the thing that most people point out. Being exactly 5 feet tall, I am quite the lady’s man. My experience with girls is completely nonexistent. No girl wants to be with a guy who’s shorter than her, it’s just common knowledge. So I’m destined to die alone. Such a fantastic feeling. It really sucks being premature. 

A repeated banging sound from behind followed by a loud thundering voice pulls me back into the real world. “Oi! Who’s in there?” Anyone in the entire school could recognize that voice. Leif Falla. You either hated or loved him, there's no in-between. 

He continues the charade, still striking the stall door with his fist, amusement pictured on his lengthy face. I take back what I said. There is an in-between because I still can’t figure out how I feel about him. Envy is one way to put it, I would do anything to have his jawline, his facial structure, his muscles … I’d do anything to be him. 


Leif transferred to our school in the seventh grade from Norway. He has a little brother as well, Kovu, who I believe is now an eighth-grader. His thick accent makes his voice sound almost melodic, which is very soothing to listen to. He is part of the more well-known students compared to the rest of us juniors, along with his girlfriend. 

Monica Mantrell is her name. She is very athletic, is extremely attractive, and has decent grades, which fits all of the requirements for popularity. I only hold one of those three traits. Their relationship goes off and on. One day they would be fighting in the cafeteria, and the next, they would be making out … in the cafeteria … in front of everyone. 

Oh, to have that sort of confidence. I have no idea what I’d look like while kissing someone, it's not like I have any experience with it either. With how things are going now, it is almost destined that it will never happen. I’ve learned to accept it. 


His dark brown eyes are now focused on me, it takes me too long to realize that I have been staring. Get out, you idiot, get out. Get out. Get out. Get out.. Shifting my eyes to the floor, I make my escape. Speed walking through the hallway, I eventually look up at the clock that sits upon one of the pillars by the entrance. I have more than enough time to make it to homeroom, but being early won’t hurt. 

Loud footsteps bounce off the walls, echoing my exact movements. Too close. Too close. Too close. Too close. The mystery person behind me steps onto the back of my shoe, causing me to stumble.  My front teeth tear into my bottom lip, breaking the already damaged skin. The salty metallic taste of blood fills my mouth and seeps into my gums. 


Trying to calm myself down so I don’t have an embarrassing breakdown in the middle of the halls, I recall the exercises that my therapist had taught me. Granted, I’ve never used them because they seem stupid, but this seems like a good time to test them out. 

Five things I can see. Floor tile, the ends of my bangs, shoes. I lift my head up just enough to see in front of me. Book club poster. My eyes scan the hallway. Does the wall count? Wall. Good enough. The next exercise is four things I can feel physically. 

My disgustingly sweaty hands are one. I reach down to my thigh, wiping my hands onto my sweatpants. Pants. Moving my hand higher, I feel the softness of my sweatshirt. Hoodie. And finally, hair, I brush my bangs out of my eyes even though they return to the same spot. 

This is … actually working. Three things I can hear are next. The obnoxiously loud footsteps that are way too close to me, the sound of students conversing. Walking past a classroom, I finish my list of three, the typing of a keyboard. 

Two things I can smell, my sweat and someone’s perfume. It smells like baby powder. And finally, the one thing I can taste is blood. 

My calm demeanor evaporates as I walk into homeroom. 

The kids in there don’t even bother to notice my arrival. Their faces are glued to their phones, chatting about something that has apparently gone viral. 

My usual seat is where it normally is. It is the one thing I can keep in my control.

I make my way to the spare table in the corner of the room, it is me and my fellow loners' territory. 

These said loners were Alfred Graves, Violet Sharp, and Emily Narrow. Nothing really special about them, they just tend to keep to themselves instead of getting involved in things like the other kids did. 

My bangs block my field of vision as I sit in a chair away from the trio. Emily is currently screaming at Alfred, who appeared to be losing in some sort of online game, while Violet simply watched them, laughing at their stupidity. Why can’t I have a friend group like theirs? My throat grows dry and my legs begin to bounce up and down. 

Robin Ibarra, one of the “popular” kids, walks up to our table, I feel my leg begin to shake more. Great. My knee bangs the bottom of the table, he doesn't seem to notice. He sets a pair of rectangular items onto the table and slides them towards me, doing the same to the other three. 

A picture of me stares back when I look at the objects. These were the new lunch and keycards for the year, meaning the school pictures were updated. Somehow the photo makes me look even uglier. I can’t do this. 

Standing up, I shove the cards into my hoodie pocket and make my way back towards the door. I heard the teacher, Mrs. O’connor, question where I was going, but it was too late, my decision was already made. 

A familiar door appears in my path as I make my way through the empty hallway. It is my sanctuary. “Michael Loust- School Counselor” is printed in small white letters next to it. 

He looks up from his computer screen as I walk in, sitting in the swivel chair that I have spent almost my whole high school years in. He greets me with a comforting smile. 

“It’s nice to see you again, Jared.” Mr. Loust says, shutting his laptop and giving me his full attention. “How have you been?” 


My hands cling to the squared paper as I walk out of Mr. Loust’s office. I speed walk towards my next class, wanting to be by the classroom door before the bell rings and the hallway becomes a stampede. 

Mr. Loust always ends our sessions a couple of minutes early because he knows how I am in the hallways. I appreciate it. 

I lean my back against the poster-filled drywall, taking a better look at the paper Mr. Loust had given me. 

He had explained that his wife, Mrs. Loust, was starting a new group for students who have been struggling with anxiety. It had originally planned to just be a girls group, but somehow Mr. Loust convinced her that some of the male students should join. Lucky me, being with a group of people who I don’t know. 

The paper shows a schedule of what days we have meetings and what groups we were in. There are 2 groups and I happen to be in group 1. I look down the list of names and feel my body become tense again. 

Anti Anxiety Group Schedule 

Group 1- Monday (8:50-9:35) Thursday (12:42-1:25)  

Group 2- Tuesday (9:40-10:26) Friday (12:42-1:25)

                    Group 1:                                                                 Group 2:                                                                     

                 Kylie Abigail                                                           Zeke Cantrell

             Hazel Bloomingfield                                                 Dakota Davey

                  Chase Ellis                                                           Joseph Dun

                 Zane Mccoy                                                         Layla Marrow 

               Rose Newmen                                                      Scarlet Reyns                                                                                   

                Jared Patsin                                                        Katelyn Walters 

                Jen Robertson                                                       Axel Wheeler                                                                                                                                                                                               

                Isabella Swift                                                           Simi Woods                                                                                

               Veronica Yong      


I don’t know a single person in my group. 


I scan the second group, also not recognizing a single name. My palms grow sweaty, causing me to wipe them onto my hoodie. Why did this have to happen? The bell rings, causing me to jump slightly. The sound causes me to come back into reality, but it also causes my sheet to relocate onto the tile floor. 

The sounds of doors opening, footsteps, and mindless chatter fill my ears and soak into my brain. I bend down, grabbing my now unclean paper. As I return up, someone's leg hits the back of my head.

“Sorry!” A girl says, glancing at me before returning her attention to the other girls she was walking with. I recognize one of the girls as they turn the corner. 

Ah, Courtney Melendez, my childhood crush, such a sight for sore eyes. Back in second grade, she was this extremely skinny, blonde-haired girl who had the brightest, most beautiful smile. She has perfectly straight teeth and it's probably why I liked her. Opposites attract I guess, except the whole thing was one-sided, she doesn't even know who I am. 

High school has completely changed her, she has been in a huge gothic phase since last year. Her long blonde hair that I fell in love with is now shoulder-length and dyed black with a few indigo streaks to finish the look. 


She wears a bunch of makeup now as well, it looks good on her though. Dark purple lipstick, blush, and thick eyeliner. She isn’t as skinny as she was before but that's expected because of puberty and whatever. Her black sweater hugs her curves, she’s still really attractive.


The butterflies delicately flutter around my stomach. More people pass by me, taking me out of my thoughts. I walk into the classroom hoping I can get through this class without a complete breakdown. 

