Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Through a Soldiers Eyes

Through a soldier’s eyes

18 year old boys starting a new life
Fighting to save each others lives
Packed in the jungle with a gun and knife
A Pack on his back trying to survive
Voices yelling over the radio devices
A Crying mother and Worried wife
He says he’s alive in letters he sent,
As no one sees his bloody strife

Through his eyes he can only find
What a true fight is like
In the plane strapped in for the flight
He prepares for a bloody fight,
That could end his very own life
He holds on to his picture tight
for the very last time in pain
he waits for his silent night

Plane rotors humming loudly
Only thinking of his family
He’s fighting in the calvary
What can help fight his misery

Thursday, December 13, 2018

I love you like…
I love you like a fat kid loves cake
But cake is bad for a fat kid
Exercise is a great option
But running isn’t very fun
Fun would include sledding
But snow is sometimes too much
Then there is ice
Ice is great to keep a drink cold
I don’t really drink pop cause I’m in season
Christmas season is my favorite season
The food at Christmas is the bomb
Bombs are usually bad
Unless it is a glitter bomb
Or a bath bomb
But baths are great and so is food
There are many foods that include cake
And I love cake

So I love you like a fat kid loves cake


Tuesday, December 11, 2018


All music is beautiful
The song choice which you control
Smooth rhythms to go with soul
Rough rock to go with that roll
There’s a playlist to get swole
One for an evening stroll
Music is a form of art

Listen ‘till your heart is full

 - A Desperate Man Who Forgot To Blog

Monday, December 10, 2018


Butter is happy, confident, and smooth,
With a smile that lights up a room within seconds.
His best friend is shy and reserved, Banana, who makes healthy living choices.
Banana is the happiest in his own room, alone with his thoughts.
Flaxen is dry and bland, with a sense of humor only she can understand.
She is a jokester, although most of her jokes don’t fulfill their purpose.
Her boyfriend, Dijon, is spicy and fiery, with a bad side.
He is rebellious and adventurous in his own right.
Pineapple is sweet and caring, a lover of all things.
She is a volunteer in her community and helps to make the world a better place.
Her mother, Honey, is the epitome of a great mother.
She is an amazing cook and can find anything that is lost.

Dandelion is a wild child, with a free spirit and mind.
He lives his life in perfect harmony, at peace with nature and the world.
Tuscan Sun is a normal individual, intelligent and kind.
He works his best to make everyone happy, and he is a very inclusive individual.
Blonde is popular and makes Tuscan Sun feel bad about himself.
She takes her insecurities and puts them all on Tuscan Sun.
She is ruthless and does not end her horrible torment.

Shades of yellow all interact and exist together, but their personalities are each unique.

Friday, December 7, 2018

The Twin Dynasty

The Twin Dynasty

Alright, listen up!
Starting today, things are going to be a little bit different around here.
The dynamic duo is in town and we’re not going down
For a nap anytime soon
Sound the baby siren!
Conduct a census because the population of this family
And threw up so somebody best take care of that.
Say goodbye to your democracy and
Welcome the dictatorship
Of all your time, sleep, and non-grey hairs.
Make no mistake, premature birth has not hindered our ability to RAGE WAR
Our office is open for armistice negotiations at all hours
Except when we are eating, sleeping, or pooping
So… never.
This is the children’s crusade to the holy land of mother’s lap.
Woah! Slow down kid, you’ll hurt yourself.
Rome wasn’t built in a day
Come on bro, you can do it!
Scale that Great Wall of China
Escape from Cribcatraz!
“I have a dream” that one day we will be free from the confines of these highchairs
Free to eat whatever we want
Boycott all vegetables.
“Let them eat cake!”
We are fed up with this tyranny
Commence full out anarchy

All hail the twin dynasty

~S. Rae
Merigold looks to orange.
The color of the beaming sun spits disgust at the burnt orange color, overcome by jealousy.
Orange stands tall with dignity. Merigold could never hurt her pride.
Orange, the color of the blazing California wildfires.
The color of the sunset as it lays over the ocean, promising a new day.
The color of the tiger as it stands tall with pride.
The color of leaves crushing under happy pairs of feet as the seasons change and the light shining through the blinds of my bedroom window from Currituck Lighthouse.
Orange- the color of happiness, struggle, dignity, strength, fear, and everything in between.
Orange- the color that stands honest and holds true. The color that could calm any storm and settle the soul. The color that doesn’t promise there won’t be struggle, but promises that happiness will find us again.

Orange. med

Thursday, December 6, 2018

How to be: Someone Like Me

Stress constantly,
Never stop,
Be afraid of failure,
Try to get to the top.

Study constantly,
Fail the test.
Procrastinate now,
Give it a rest.

Let the sadness overcome you,
Don’t brush your hair.
They already dislike you,
Who cares if they stare.

Stay home on the weekends,
Mourning over the past.
Be there for others,
Say you’re okay when they ask.

Make jokes about your failing relationship with your mother
Let it consume you when the night falls.
Worry that you’ll turn out to be the mother she was to you.
You won’t have children then, not at all.

You need to leave,
Let your soul be gone,
Forgive others,
For what’s been done is done.

In your life,
When given the choice, people always choose flight.
The constant betrayal is around every corner,
You’ve got to let in the light.

Involve yourself in everything,
The weekdays you’re never alone
Keep packed your schedule,
To sad attacks you’re prone.

Always say the right thing,
Never complain,
Real friends are rare,
Don’t scare them away.

Frustration is consistent,
Nothing you’re not used to
For the friend who is always there for others,
Is going through it too.

The ringer is long and painful,
The nights are cold and hard,
The days come fast enough,
But yesterday always leaves its scars.

“Ignorance is bliss”
A motto you know too well,
You hide it all inside,
They’ll never be able to tell.

Smile constantly and
Give them a show,
For you are an actress,

And the world will never know.


Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Walking through woods freezing cold,
Expecting trees, but BEHOLD!
Stumbling along some gold
At last, cash in my billfold.
To college, I´ll be enrolled,
My financial debts controlled.
All the dollar bills on earth,

This was so worth being bold.

The Colors of Boone Central

The Friday night lights shine down on the roaring crowd. Tomorrow, a king and queen will be crowned. Students will dance into the night. But this is one football game that won’t affect Homecoming in the slightest. In fact, the Boone Central Cardinals don’t even call it Homecoming.
Boone Central’s Color Day is a tradition decades in the making. It doesn’t involve football or other sports at all. Color Day is entirely geared towards the other activities that give Boone Central its color: clubs and extracurriculars. Every year on an October Saturday, students gather at the school for an evening ceremony celebrating the Colors of Boone Central, at which a senior couple is crowned Color Day King and Queen.
Nineteen activities are recognized at Boone Central’s Color Day: Student Council, FBLA, National Honor Society, FCCLA, FFA, Band, BC Club, Teammates, Stagemasters, Culture Club, Vocal Music, Cheerleaders, Rubies Dance Team, SADD, Art Club, Bowling, Book Club, Speech, and Skills USA.
Dan Zoucha, a teacher at Boone Central, and a former Albion High School graduate, shared some thoughts on the event. “I think the key word here is tradition. This is something our school does that’s unique from everybody else. To change it to Homecoming to be like another school would defeat the tradition. In our school, we celebrate everything.”
The idea is certainly unique, and it doesn’t appear to be going out of style anytime soon. The practice can be traced back to the 40s, making the tradition over 70 years old. It remains just as popular today. Lynn Webster, the guidance counselor at Boone Central, says, “I like it. I like that we focus on something other than sports. I feel like sports gets a lot of attention, which is good, but I like [Color Day] because it focuses on the other opportunities kids have to get involved in our school.”

One thing’s for certain: this school tradition will endure for as long as there are proud Cardinals to wave the Colors of Boone Central.

                        -S. Louis