Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Dating Ad

Teenage White Male Searching for Companionship

I'm a pale, acne covered teenager. I have no real talents, other than I can play the harmonica with my nose. I really like to eat, a lot. When I eat, I just scarf it all down. I practically can inhale it. People say I chew rather loudly and obnoxiously, but that's besides the point. I've gotten my record up to eating ten hotdogs in a minute. Pretty impressive, huh? I'm a real big gamer. Because I always shut my lights off when I play and sit two inches away from the screen, I'm practically blind. My glasses are an inch thick. When I play for too long, I'll get a TV burn from the screen, so I'll have to lather on some sunscreen to keep from burning. White kid problems, right? So yeah if you don't play video games like hardcore like me, then stop reading. By the way, I'm not going to be the one who works in a relationship. It has to be all you. One day, though, I'll be on America's Got Talent to play my harmonica beautifully with my nose. I'll make millions. But until then, I'll become a famous video gamer. You'll have to cook, too. So yeah. Don't everybody respond to this ad at once, please. My mom limits me to three girls in my contacts at once, and that's counting her. Can't wait to meet the lucky girl ;)

I'm Perfect for You!

Oh. My. Gosh. We like sooooo totally must have been met for each other, because like you sound totes hot, like OMG. I've always found something attractive about a man who refuses to work. And it's soooooooooo amazing that you can eat ten hotdogs in a minute. My record is only seven. But here's the real kicker... I can play the flute with my nose!! We must be soul mates. Maybe we could
do a duet. Well I hope you have space in your contacts for me, but bye for now!


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