Friday, November 15, 2019

My Homes Away From Home

Blood, sweat, and tears
Well, not really blood or tears, but definitely lots of sweat went into making our tree house. 
Hauling logs, nails, hammers, and food out to our pasture took lots of work. 
My siblings and I spent weeks building it during the summer. 
Running out there every chance we could get.
It was a place we could go to get out of doing chores, but mostly because we wanted something that was ours.
It was a place I could go to free my mind.
Look off into the distance and wonder what the world has in store for me.
It was the one place where there was no bickering, no homework, no sadness, no pain.
All I had to do was relax and take in nature around me. 

Now, my place isn’t the comfort of my tree house, but rather the comfort of my room.
It’s where I go to decompress after a long day at school or at work. 
I can watch Netflix, take a nap, do my homework, and get away from my loud family for a bit.
It’s my safe place.
I have made some of the most important decisions of my life, as of now, in that room. 
It is my place, not my siblings or my parents, but my own space.

People may change and move away, but their places will always be there.
They will be waiting for the people to come back to them.
To appreciate their sense of safety and calmness,
Once again. 


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