Thursday, December 15, 2016

Where I come From...

Where I come from…
I am from a toy slug bug thrown against my face, from Bratz and Polly Pocket.
I am from the vendor's room  at my nerd conventions, crowded and full of life.
It sounded like my hopes and dreams that are swirling inside of my head.
I am from my succulent I named Fredrick and raised as one of my own, and the cacti I love so much garding itself with its sharp pricks of its appearance.
I'm from  watching ghost adventures and anxiety, from Niki and Tricia and Sydney.
I’m from the angry tendencies and amazing artwork my loved ones are able to make.

From the supposed cat in the shower drain that caused the showerhead to screech and being told that perfume on wounds is a magic healer.
I’m from being fascinated by God and his book to questioning where he is and why he hasn’t come to save me from myself.
I’m from Scotland and Rising City, from Mac’n Cheese and Cheap WIne.
From the days when Niki would leave bruises on me from biting me because I sat in her favorite chair, and when Anna ran into a parked tractor.
From one of my favorite pictures of Mariah with a little piece of paper taped on her that says “I CAN and I WILL” on it.
I am from the dark days when nothing feels right and the days were all I can do is smile because I am around everyone I love and I know they all love me back.
I am from a small place called HOPE.

Viva El Momento

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