Thursday, December 1, 2016

My Relationship with Vacations

I would have to say that I have a love-hate relationship with the vacations I have taken so far.

First there was California,
In which the drive seemed longer than the actual vacation.
Endless hours that included being my sister’s foot rest, so that she could be comfortable,
And the amount of unlucky situations we encountered.
The night swims with my new found cousin
And the stories shared by my long lost relatives, rounded out the positives of the trip.
When my dad missed the exit to the Grand Canyon, we said it was fine.
I mean we could see the scenery all around Arizona and we didn’t want to circle back.
But when he missed the exit to the Hoover Dam, and got in a fender-bender accident,
I had had more than enough.

Next there was our first cruise.
Let me tell you,
That vacation let me down, but it also met my expectations, which is a weird statement.
The first two days (of our four-day cruise ugh) were not very good at all.
I met a grand total of zero people and spent most of my time wandering the decks.
Family time was a must all the time, and I just got sick of them.
By the last two days of the cruise, much had changed.
I still had no Wifi so my phone was practically useless,
But I met some great people, ate some even greater food, and experienced some priceless moments.

Finally, there was our most recent cruise.
This was the greatest trip I had ever been on.
I met so many more people on this trip (that I still am in touch with),
And I could actually use wifi on my phone for $5 a day.
I went to many dances throughout the eight days,
The food was even better than the last,
And I got to win a volleyball tournament illegally on the ship.
And the icing on the cake had to be the endless ice cream every night.

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