I have returned!!!! I know you missed me so much! But anywho this is like half a day behind, which is the longest I feel like I've ever done something past due. Weird. I don't like it but I thought of something. I was like hmmm..... what do I want to do???? Then it came to me! I want to story! (Oof I LOVE stories) So I didn't want to use my OC's because then you'd know too much, but let's make a story about a new random person. So I pulled up a random word generator and I got distant, grudge, classroom, and explanation, so without further ado let us begin!
Okay so(how I start all stories)...
As Asher sat at his desk doing homework he thought back on the prior events of the day. He knew he should work on his explanation of cause and effect events in chapter eight but his mind was having a relay race of events in his mind. He thought of each class of that day and how each one progressively became odder and odder. Thinking back on it he did have a feeling of sheer dread when he woke up that morning, but he chalked that up to hunger as he scarfed down his breakfast. He sat quietly trying to concentrate as he listened to his mom hum downstairs in the kitchen as she made supper. The sun was becoming more and more distant on the horizon and he wished he could be out exploring.
He begrudgingly finished his homework and checked outside once more. The sun had finally set leaving the thousands of stars around his planet to make themselves known. He saw a burst to the left of their yard and realized the fire beings next door were once again making fire signals. He watched as he saw a bright spiral of petals from the yard on the other side of his house. Beings were weird, always trying to show off what new tricks they were learning. At least they could show their improvements, he was stuck shifting his minute details to altar himself in the smallest of ways. Once again, classroom events were brought back to the front of his mind.
His mom had told him when he left this morning today was gonna be a weird day, he didn't understand what she meant, he still didn't know how she knew, but she was right. The day started normal enough. He showed up to school found his friends and had talked with them about the regular stuff, he honestly didn't even remember what by this point. First period was fine and then they got to language arts/English. That's when the day got weird. Everyone started talking about how the mage was coming to their school for this weird unknown reason. He didn't pay much attention to this until one of the Morphix beings in his class popped up behind him and asked if he thought the mage was coming to pick new Legion member recruits. that idea seemed logical except generally they picked new recruits at the end or beginning of each school year and it was currently the middle. After their teacher had gotten their chatter under control he then started to work on whatever mundane homework task they had been given of the three options. Sadly though, now he was curious why the mage was coming, so that thought would stick to him for the day. They got to third period and repeated this process doing whatever. Continuously guessing, and failing, at figuring out what was going to happen. None of them knew, but the prospect of figuring it out first was exhilarating.
Eventually the rest of his classes passed by and it was time for their assembly. Everyone was abuzz with curiosity, impatiently waiting to see the man arrive with his team. they each watched excitedly as the man in his mid-twenties strolled into their gym. He introduced himself for no reason other than professionalism, for all of them knew who he was. They soon found out that the reason for the assembly was just this school field trip to some government buildings to see the inner workings of mission and assignments task forces were sent on. Still sounded cool, but why did they send the mage to tell them this instead of some random ambassador? Asher continued to wonder this as the students were allowed to get up and question the mage. He had met the mage before, many times actually, but that's a story for another time. He started to slowly slink out of the gym but could feel eyes on him as he slipped out. He walked down the halls toward his locker so he could leave soon. He was tired and ready to leave this building until tomorrow. Once he got there though he was met with the sight of two of the mages Legion guards. He paused for a moment and continued on, purposefully ignoring them both. They made no sounds; they were there to watch him for some reason, but hey, this had happened before too.
"So," one of them said "we're supposed to escort you home, some minor-ish threats were picked up around the area this morning. We don't want a repeat of what almost happened last year." He stopped and smiled at Asher, Asher decided to acknowledge the two men now.
"Yeah, okay, I don't care. So was the assembly an actual thing and you guys were sent because you were closest, or was this just a cover to scope out the area?"
"Both," responded the other, "it just kinda worked out in this funny little way. But anyways we haven't seen anything else since this morning so we should be fine, we just have to make sure."
So, he quickly called his mom making sure she knew about this, she said yes it was fine, see him soon. then they slipped away the mage met them in the fancy car, and they drove Asher home. The Mage and his team stayed for a little while, casually chatting with his parents then they all left. So Asher went to his room to inflect upon today's proceedings. His parents hadn't let him watch the news once they left, they didn't want him to see the "minor" threats the one Legion member had talked about. That was fine though, he didn't need to know for the moment.
Back to the current time, he realized he'd been spacing out for a while when his mom appeared in his doorway talking about how supper was done. He quickly shook himself out of his trance and headed downstairs. He was swiftly swallowed by conversations of his dad's workday and all that his mom had done while she was off the day. He happily ate supper, thinking of the oddities of their world.
The End
Okay so, to anyone who is still here, hello, welcome! Okay, a few things one, I lied, I did use Oc's. Two is that sorry about some of this being happy or odd I just kinda was like oh words, words are nice, and then proceeded to word vomit a whole mini-story out in half an hour. Also, I know there are plotholes, fill them in if you want, add something, change something, I mean not literally since you can't edit the doc, but change it in your headspace! Anywho thank you for sticking around, I hope that wasn't too cringy or confusing. So I must go now, but I wish you a lovely, lovely (insert time of day here) and as always I hope you stay magical!
~Ms. Magic~
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