Red was never an ambitious person. He always stuck to himself, never interacting much with the other colors surrounding him. But Red was sweet. He was kind-hearted and only wanted the best for all. One day, Red was walking home from school. It was a rainy day so the walk seemed a bit longer than usual. Before Red began to turn down his street, he caught Orange sitting on a bench out of the corner of his eye. He thought nothing of it until he heard her sobs through the rain pounding against the concrete. Red wanted to help her. He walked over there, but before he could get one single word out, Orange spoke up, “I don’t want your help.” Now Orange was a very independent color yet had many friends, so when she said this Red was not surprised. Red continued cautiously, saying, “What’s wrong Orange? I only want to help.” But Orange still sat there with her head hung low. “I want to show you something,” Red said, “Something that will blow your mind. I promise.” Red extended his hand to Orange. Before reaching out, Orange sheepishly looked up to Red, then grabbed a hold.
It was still raining, so both Red and Orange became drenched. “This is a perfect day for me to show you this, Orange,” Red said excitedly. But Orange did not agree, she despised the rain (which happened to be the reason she was crying before). “How could rain ever be perfect for anything? I hate it,” Orange stated. Red tried to convince her saying, “It’s more of what comes after the rain. I promise you, Orange. This is one of the most fantastic things I’ve ever been a part of. And I think you’re just what we’re looking for.” The rain started getting lighter and lighter so Red grabbed a hold of Orange’s arm and yanked her ahead in a hurry. Once they’d arrived at Red’s house, which was right outside of town, Orange was stunned to see all the other colors there. She had known how shy Red was, but to see him interacting with so many people at once intrigued her. Orange, the independent color she was, introduced herself in a high manner. Everyone was welcoming and they all sat around waiting for something. Orange was not sure but something Red had said really stuck with her. “It’s more of what comes after the rain,” she thought to herself. What was it? Why did they need me?
As the rain was about to cease and the sun started to peek through the dark and heavy rain clouds, Red pulled everyone outside, yelling, “It’s almost time everyone! Get into your places!” Red told Orange to stand next to him and on her other side stood Yellow, then Green, then Blue, Indigo, and finally, Violet. As confused as Orange was, she was ready to see what was finally going to happen. The sun fully came out from behind its shade, shining on all the colors that were standing in Red’s backyard. Suddenly, a burst of color lined the sky, starting from Red’s backyard and ending who knows where. “We call it a Rainbow,” Red whispered to Orange. She was completely stunned. “That’s absolutely beautiful,” Orange thought to herself. As the Rainbow continued on, you could almost hear a collective “Wow!” from the whole city. Red was right, this truly did blow Orange’s mind. And after that day, every time it rained, the whole group would gather again to create something so spectacular everyone could enjoy it, even Orange.
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