There I was riding along in my dog sled. Nine huskies were pulling the sleigh and fast too. I
was going back to my house in the country where most people didn’t live. I wanted to have a
Rough life in Alaska, so this is what it came to. Most of the houses in town were way too
expensive so I went for the cheaper option. As we were about to the cliff side, one of the dogs
stopped as the others ran into it. I jolted up with alarm and wondered what was going on.
I looked up and saw that the path was blocked by snow that must have fell off the mountain. I glanced around and saw that there was another path that I had never taken. I told the dogs to sit and wait there, as I went over to the road and went to see if it was possible to pass. I put one foot on it and pushed down with a little force, and made it was sturdy. Then I put my other foot on and with all my weight it held.
I took one more step and made sure that it was safe for me and my dogs. I didn’t want to risk their lives and mine all because we could get home. I was fully confident now, that it was safe to cross. I walked back to my dogs. I didn’t expect that the entire road would give way.
I looked at the last time I would see the dogs as they whimpered and tried to get me. They ran over with the sleigh still connected as the lead dog grabbed my coat sleeve. They pulled back with their might and pulled me up. I grabbed the ledge and pulled myself up. They all gather around me and licked me with kisses. I was glad that they were there to save me as I would have be--. You know what let's not talk about that. I hugged them and decided that we were going to find another way to get home.
I got back on the sled and went back to town, as that snow would be there for a while. I only had one friend here in Alaska. Her name was Rose. She had a local coffee shop in town, which meant she was always busy being a single owner and all. We never had time to catch up as neither did I. I was always fixing mistakes that my family left behind, like all the debts owed or people who wanted them dead. They fled the state after I turned 14 and left me with all their problems. Now that I am 18 and can finally leave in peace as my “family” is just dead to me.
I pulled into town and let my dogs off the sled and put them all on a leash even though that was just a precaution. Rose lets me take my dogs in so they sit inside, not to mention it's just an animal cafe where you can relax with animals. I opened the doors and walked inside and looked over to see a very surprised rose.
“Wow, Skylar! I didn’t expect to see you here today, I thought you already left town,” she said as she walked over to me. “Ya, well I may or may not have almost been killed by a road of snow collapsing into a giant pit.” I jumbled out as she had a face of shock and worry. “SKY, you need to be more careful, you could have just came back to my place and waited for a clearing!” she said as one of my dogs went over to lick her hand. She smiled at him and patted his head, thanking him for the comfort.
“When do you close up?” I said looking over to her. “I close up around 6 so only an hour longer,” she said as I looked outside and noticed that it was getting dark.
“Hey how about you make me a coffee,you know the usual.” I said giving here a wink as she looked like she was holding back a laugh. She walked over to the counter and whipped up a black coffee with some french vanilla creamer. It was really all I got since all that other stuff just sounded plane stupid. I don’t want to have a sugar high every second of the day.
Rose walked over to me with my coffee in her hand. “Here you go Sky nice and vanilla just the way you like it, because it will be your last.” She said as she whispered something I couldn’t hear.
I smiled at her and took a sip. The warm liquid going down my throat and warming my core. “This is pretty good, bet you made it extra special for your pal.” I said as I wrapped my arm over her shoulder and her neck like a side hug. “Ya extra special anyways, how about we go to my place since you can’t make it home.” Rose said as she rushed around the place and turned off everything.
“Jeez, why are you in such a hurry, guess you missed me!” I said pointing to my face and smiled. She only nodded and continued to shut off the lights and made sure everything was off. After it was pitch dark she told me, “Please finish up your coffee as you could spill it on the way to my place.” I just nodded back and chugged the thing. I felt pain in my head and felt wussy. “Oh no Sky, are you okay, here let me help you lay down.” She said as I closed my eyes. “Heh nighty night Skylar.” I heard as I faded into black.
I jolt awake with worry and pain as to where I was and why my head hurt. I looked down and noticed I was strapped to a chair and I was trapped. I frown at that and glance around the room. I notice that a single light was on and a figure in a black coat stands there looking at me as I flinched. “Mmh” I moaned as I note that there is duct tape on my mouth. “Oh poor little Skylar, what’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” The figure said as they had a girl voice while they walked over to me. I looked at them, I wanted to ask who they were but I put the pieces together. They grabbed the duct tape over my mouth and ripped it off. “Oww!” I yelled and glared at the person.
“How is my little buddy doing.” She said as she strolled over to the light again. “Why are you doing this, what did I do to you?” I said looking at them. “HAHA you’re so FUNNY Sky, how do you not KNOW this.” She said and continued laughing. I looked at her. “What did I do to you, I'm your best friend.” I said looking at her, trying to see her eye’s as they were covered by a shadow. “ME your BEST friend PLEASE, you must be joking.” She said as she slowly pulled off her hood and continued. “I'm more like your worst enemy.” She said pulling off her hood to reveal that it was Rose. I guess I was right.
“Do you know what your FAMILY has done to mine?” She said continuing. “They put MY FATHER in jail because he took you in. All that we have done and that’s what he gets. PlEASE, you're the one that deserves it. But NO since you just turned 18 this year he has to go. Since he’ll be there for 3 years I have the perfect way to get my anger out.” She yelled at me and put a crazy smile on her face. “Just look at these, they are perfect, just for you FRIEND.” she said as she pointed at the table with what looked to be knives and other things I don’t want to name. I started to get scared. It wasn’t my fault for this. It’s my stupid family’s. I thought as she walked over to the table to grab a scalpel. “I'm going to love every seco-” She said as she was interrupted by the sound of the door bell. “I’ll be back for you, so don’t go anywhere, OH wait YOU CAN’T. HAHA!” She laughed as she threw the knife at me and went up the stairs.
The knife landed in my knee. I held back a scream and realized how stupid she was. Firstly, she sucked at throwing a knife and she just gave me a way to get out. I could just barely reach the knife and pulled it out of my knee. I cut the ropes around my arm and cut the rest on my body. I stood up but to my surprise fell straight back into the chair. My body was weak and my knee didn’t help me whatsoever. I slowly picked myself up and limped over to the stairs.
I just wanted to go home and sleep with my d-wait! Where are my dogs. I left them at the coffee shop! Where did she put them? I hear a whimper and glance to my left to see a horrid sight. They were tightly tied together in a cage with little to no room. I saw that it was locked and went over to her “toys” and grabbed a hammer and a knife. Just in case she wanted to fight.
I limped back to the cage and broke the lock and opened the door. All nine huskies jumped out and covered me in kisses. This was the second time they thought they were going to lose me. I hugged them all and stood up, I was ready to get the heck out of here. I should have never let them take me in. They all had their leashes on so I grabbed all nine and limped up the stairs. Even though they would follow me, I don’t trust Rose on what she would do. I was about to reach the top step when I heard her voice. “Okay I need you guys so follow me, but not too fast.” I told them as I walked up the last step, my hammer and knife in hand. Just in case she wanted to get violent.
I opened the door that lead to her and walked myself out. She was next to the door talking to someone. I was going to listen to what she said but I was too late as she slammed the door shut. She looked toward my direction and I darted behind a wall. I peeked over and saw her walk my way. Well it was now or never. I leaped out behind the wall and went into a fighting stance with my knife in my right hand.
She jumped a little and formed two fists. “Wow I'm surprised you got out, I thought I hit you in the throat,” she said. “Yeah, well that would have worked if you didn’t suck so much at throwing things.” I said glaring at her. “Well so be it.” She said taunting me.
I lunged at her and went straight for the heart, anger flowing through my veins. She jumped back straight into a wall. I cornered her and brought my knife to her face. She held back it with her arms and tried to push me on the ground. What she didn’t expect was for me to reach in my pocket and pull out my hammer. I bashed her in the head and she fell on the ground. I wanted to kill her, but I knew that wasn’t right. She was knocked out and I made sure of it by kicking her.
I walked over to the basement and told my dogs to come up. They ran to me and sat. I grabbed all their leashes and went to the door. I walked outside and found my sleigh sitting there and everything else I had was there. I harnessed all the dogs and sat down in the sleigh. I directed them to go home and they listened. As I was riding home I took in all the sights. I'm glad I got to see them again. We got to the mountain once again and saw that the snow pile was gone so we went straight through. As we finally made it home, I brought all the dogs inside and found my little cat Menchie waiting there for me. She jumped onto my shoulders and rubbed her head on my neck. I picked her up and hugged her. I put her down and went to the bathroom and wrapped my knee up.
The last thing I did was say goodnight to my dogs and Menchie. I also made sure that any door or window was locked so if Rose came here she couldn’t get in. I also called the police and told them what happened and that I got home safely. I closed my eyes and was glad that this day was over.
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