The Path I Travel On
I walk here and there
Day in and day out
Wandering place to place
Searching to here and there
For my place, I have found many temporary homes
But I grow restless waiting there in those waypoints
On my path, I trudge forward Into the dark night
full of mysteries and adventures, to whom I might Fight
But on this path, I have made many friends
From the strongest and fastest to
To the smartest and funniest
I travel this path with friends I have made
But many have come and gone and more shall
At this hour I walk with friends
knowing in just a few short hours
I will walk alone on the path I’ve charted
On this course, I stand tall to weather the storm that follows
Here I am on a path I walked it is left wider than when I walked it first
Here it is the weeds picked and the brush cleared away
The fallen trees moved aside
The path is clear for now but when the day comes will you clear the path too
When the trees I planted fall and the weeds grow back
Will you after I take my final rest
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