Meaning of Beach
I find myself lost on a beach
As I walk my feet feel the soft kiss of the sand
The sweat dripping from my face shows how hot
I find myself lost in the sea
My skin gets kissed by the sun
Every inch of my body is relax
People come to feel relax
Crowds go to party on the beach
People leave with burns from the steamy sun
Little kids get buried in the sand
People go surfing in the clear blue sea
Everyone looks hot
Sometimes it gets to hot
Sometimes you do not feel relax
Sometimes the waves show the angrier in the sea
Sometimes home is better then the beach
Sometimes your eyes get blinded from sand
Sometimes ice cubes melt from the sun
My best friend is the sun
The once cold lemonade is now hot
Everywhere you look you see castles made from sand
The moment you lay down you feel so relax
There is no way you can have a bad day at the beach
The best greeting comes from the waves you get from sea
Sharks hunt for food in the sea
The ocean gets light up by the sun
Seagulls find chips on the beach
Sharks are cold blooded so they don’t like to be hot
Whales swim with such grace that they just feel relax
Baby turtles escape from their home in the sand
You can find anything in the sand
I feel like a mermaid swimming in the sea
Your mind turns off and your muscles relax
My skin gets golden from the sun
Ice cream is better cold not hot
I want to live on the beach
The beach is nothing without the sand
The only thing not hot is the sea
The sun strikes my body and makes it relax
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