The Lonely Waves
I feel the cool water flood over me as I wade
In that cold ocean of pain the crash of waves
Against me, the pull of the ocean pulling me down like I’m a nobody
Holding on pulling me down dragging, I’m falling
Everything seems to slow down as if time
Froze leaving me hopeless alone
As I drift in the cold open ocean alone
I think of the warm lake I think of wading
Into the deep end, as everything passes by so fast even time
But I’m brought back to the nightmare by those frozen waves
I feel their pain crash over me falling
On, to the ocean, I’m no one just a nameless nobody
I’m alone in this frigid ocean nobody
To call to, alone light rests on top of those waves
I feel anxiety flooding my veins as it begins falling
I begin swimming and fighting, wading
My way through those waves
My heart drops as the chance passes by me the time is gone
In time I am nobody
Just like a drop of water in a wave
But you may feel alone
Just wading
But remember when you are falling
And it feels like you are out of time
And feel like you are in past your head barely wading
Like you have nobody
Remember you aren’t alone
Just look for a friendly wave
Just remember the horrors of those waves
The fear of falling
Being alone
Just remember in time
You will be someones nobody
Just keep wading
The wading in alone in those waves
Will end, you rent a nobody falling
In time you won’t be alone
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