Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Photo That I Will Never Loose

 In my SUV Sits a young photo

pinched between my ceiling and a pin

a polaroid with its thick white trim

it makes those faces stand out even brighter than before 

A photo of friends that will always be friends

in the front stands a tall friend one that almost knows cars to well

to his right in a white ball cap stand a girl that is like a little sister to me 

and above in my white and red ball cap stands one of my best friends

those to like each other but just won't admit it 

to his right is the perfect couple they will last forever 

and in front of me is my best friend he never fails to make me smile

and in the back standing the tallest is me the big brother of the group

 always looking out for them but is always ready to have fun too

I hope I make them smile like they make me 

Because I will never loose that photo they gave me.

The Lonely Waves

 The Lonely Waves 

I feel the cool water flood over me as I wade 

In that cold ocean of pain the crash of waves 

Against me, the pull of the ocean pulling me down like I’m a nobody 

Holding on pulling me down dragging, I’m falling 

Everything seems to slow down as if time

Froze leaving me hopeless alone 

As I drift in the cold open ocean alone

I think of the warm lake I  think of wading

Into the deep end, as everything passes by so fast even time

But I’m brought back to the nightmare by those frozen waves

I feel their pain crash over me falling

On, to the ocean, I’m no one just a nameless nobody 

I’m alone in this frigid ocean nobody

To call to, alone light rests on top of those waves

I feel anxiety flooding my veins as it begins falling

I begin swimming and fighting, wading  

My way through those waves 

My heart drops as the chance passes by me the time is gone


In time I am nobody

Just like a drop of water in a wave

But you may feel alone 

Just wading 


But remember when you are falling

And it feels like you are out of time 

And feel like you are in past your head barely wading 

Like you have nobody

Remember you aren’t alone 

Just look for a friendly wave

Just remember the horrors of those waves

The fear of falling 

Being alone

Just remember in time

You will be someones nobody

Just keep wading

The wading in alone in those waves

Will end, you rent a nobody falling

In time you won’t be alone 

Monday, November 23, 2020

In The Kitchen

 In The Kitchen

The sun shines in my eyes as I draw the curtains

I look through the window staring at the tree

The green leaves fall as the wind sings 

I dance to the beat of my favorite song 

In a trance as I watch the story of my life play in my head

There's a little girl all alone, she reminds me of my past

A dead and broken heart lies beside her

Then oven beeps bringing me back to realize 

That little girl is still with me trying to put our pieces together

Friday, November 20, 2020

The Disastrous Christmas

 Oh how I love to wear a sweater

While here comes the falling snow

My sweater is so cozy

While the snow falls I bake cookies

That the main ingredient is chocolate

It’s going to be so delicious

Oh how that sweater is so delicious

The sweater

Taste like chocolate

It's better than the snow

Which taste like cookies

The feeling of the sweaters in my mouth is cozy

Oh, isn’t that cozy?

And so delicious

The cookies

Or the sweaters?

NO! The snow

That looks like chocolate

We prepare the dark chocolate

While we keep warm and cozy

Even with the cold snow

The cold chocolate is still delicious

They are shaped like a sweater

But also kinda taste like burnt cookies


They all felt so cozy

And looked so delicious

But then here came the snow

NOw that the snow

Ruined the cookies

That was so delicious

And tasted like chocolate

We no longer felt cozy

So we threw it all out, including the sweater

The sweater was covered in snow

It was no longer cozy and the cookies

That tasted like chocolate is no longer delicious

-T swifty

Meaning of Beach

 Meaning of Beach

I find myself lost on a beach

As I walk my feet feel the soft kiss of the sand

The sweat dripping from my face shows how hot

I find myself lost in the sea

My skin gets kissed by the sun

Every inch of my body is relax

People come to feel relax

Crowds go to party on the beach

People leave with burns from the steamy sun

Little kids get buried in the sand

People go surfing in the clear blue sea

Everyone looks hot

Sometimes it gets to hot

Sometimes you do not feel relax

Sometimes the waves show the angrier in the sea

Sometimes home is better then the beach

Sometimes your eyes get blinded from sand

Sometimes ice cubes melt from the sun

My best friend is the sun

The once cold lemonade is now hot

Everywhere you look you see castles made from sand

The moment you lay down you feel so relax

There is no way you can have a bad day at the beach

The best greeting comes from the waves you get from sea

Sharks hunt for food in the sea

The ocean gets light up by the sun

Seagulls find chips on the beach

Sharks are cold blooded so they don’t like to be hot

Whales swim with such grace that they just feel relax

Baby turtles escape from their home in the sand

You can find anything in the sand

I feel like a mermaid swimming in the sea

Your mind turns off and your muscles relax

My skin gets golden from the sun

Ice cream is better cold not hot

I want to live on the beach

The beach is nothing without the sand

The only thing not hot is the sea

The sun strikes my body and makes it relax


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Crazies

 It was the third Friday of October, about a week out from Halloween. The day seemed to drag on, so hopping into bed at night was a relief. As I slowly rested my head into my pillow and I drifted into a deep sleep, the world around me turned and everything was dark. Hours later, I rolled around and read the clock; 3:17 AM. My mouth gaped open to yawn making me realize how dry it was. I tiptoed down the stairs feeling my bare feet hit the cold wooden floor before arriving in the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator door and feeling that bright light hit my face my eyes flinched a bit before adjusting. When I went to grab the pitcher, I felt a presence watching me but as I turned around to confront it, only the back of a shadow ran towards the living room. I quickly closed the refrigerator door, opened a drawer, grabbed the biggest piece of cutlery I could find, and ran straight to my room. Frantically, I yanked my phone off the base dialing 9-1-1. I silently waited for the ring to start all I could hear was a straight buzz, signaling to me that my lines had been cut.

I sat in my room awaiting the sun to finally rise or this intruder to go away. What felt like hours had only been 30 minutes, hearing only a few quiet noises every once in a while. After a full hour had passed, I mustered up the courage to take on this task myself and walked silently through my upstairs hall to the gun safe. I needed to get this person out of my house.

Turning the corner, I walked down the stairs, skipping the ones I knew would creek. After hearing a loud crash, again all I could see was the back of a black figure running in the opposite direction. I yelled to the figure, warning them that I had a gun and I was not afraid to use it. It was now completely silent. Nothing more happened; no creek, no whisper, no sound. Except for the crashing of a door opening and closing. They had finally left. That criminal was no longer rummaging through my house. I ran the rest of the way downstairs, locked my front door, and ran back upstairs to my bed feeling much safer. Again, I laid my head into my pillow and slowly watched the world around me turn as I fell asleep. 

I sheepishly woke up to what I assumed to be the early morning, stretched my arms, and turned to look at my alarm clock; 3:17 AM. “This can’t be,” I repeated in my head. Maybe it was just a dream. Maybe I should try falling asleep again. I flopped over onto my side and squeezed my eyes shut, wishing and praying it would be 7 in the morning. But to my dismay, it was still that same wretched time of 3:17 AM. 

As I laid in bed, I heard crashing from downstairs. And when I went to check on it, I saw that same shadow. The night seemed to be repeating itself and it was making me crazy. I went to the same routine of trying to call for help, grabbing the gun, and waiting to hear the door creek open and close, finally laying my head down after all of it, only to wake up to 3:17 AM. What seemed to be the sixth time I repeated this routine, I decided to change something. I went downstairs with the gun, sat in my living room, and waited. Once I saw that figure go past, I followed it. I was so engulfed in this shadow walking from room to room trying to find it. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, assuming it was the shadow, I closed my eyes and fired my gun. I opened my eyes only to find my best friend, laying on my wooden floor, dead. Just as I sat there in disbelief right next to her body, here I now sit in this psych ward always contemplating what had happened that night.

~S. Weenie

Cyrch a Chwta Poem

 I sit up, pushed off the sheet

“It’s time for something to eat”

They are made of mostly wheat

Tapping my foot to the beat

Walking down the cracked stone street

I arrive and take a seat

The shiny plate slides by

The plate with circular sides 


Friday, November 13, 2020

Walks on the Beach

The beach is my happy place

It saves me without a trace.

It takes me to outer space

Reminding me of sweet grace.

I look around to embrace

The life around me in case

It turns to a memory

With treasury from my face.

By: Essie

The Kitchen

 Making Sushi with my mom

Sometimes there are new things you want to try to make with someone for fun. Well, one day my mom and I were at Walmart getting groceries when we came across a little section with things to make sushi. I begged my mom to let us get it. After we had got the groceries and stuff to make homemade sushi, we went back to my mom’s boyfriend’s house and we decided it would be better to wait until the next weekend to make the sushi so she took the stuff home and got the rest of the ingredients we needed. After that, the entire week that was the one thing I was looking forward to was going back to Iowa and making sushi with my mom.

Sunday arrives, we are at my moms in Iowa. She had gone to the store to get the crab meat and avocados. For the sushi, we needed seaweed, sticky rice, crab, avocados, shrimp, and teriyaki sauce. We start by placing the sticky rice on the stovetop and making that. While that was cooking we started cutting up and preparing the other ingredients. Once the rice was done to our best ability, we started to prepare the sushi. My mom and I had music jamming and we were singing and dancing. Anytime I get to see my mom now Ii cherish it since I don’t live with her anymore. I love being able to be in the kitchen with her cooking, even if she thinks that I'm annoying. 

-t swifty

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Dance feeling


Practice my favorite dance

I find myself in a trance

Tells a story of romance

Here I go taking the chance

Just hook by taking one glance

 People stopping in a stance

My passion has no end

 body bends to dance again

- E.T.

The Cellar

 “Hazel, why are we going into the cellar?” sixteen year old Jared Lohst asked, looking down into the old, murky cellar and then back at the dark haired girl in front of him. Hazel turned around, a wide smile on her face. Her silver gray eyes seemed to be shining with excitement. “I need to show you what I’ve been working on! You’re gonna love it!” she squealed, pushing the smaller boy down the cracked stone steps. Jared placed his hands onto the cold walls, trying to regain his balance. He watched Hazel walk in front of him, patiently waiting.  “I swear to God Hazel, if you show me more dead animals you stitched together I’m going to kill you.” Jared mumbled, following Hazel deeper into the sunless cellar. Hazel looked back at him, making sure he was following. “I can assure you it isn’t another stitched up animal.” Hazel replied, beginning to a hum a familiar tune. Jared had heard that tune so many times, for almost 12 years now, but still didn’t know what song his friend was humming. Hazel would always hum that same tune, mostly while she worked on whatever new horrific experiment she would consider her newest masterpiece. 

Jared had gotten used to all the disturbing things Hazel has done and created. It didn’t scare him anymore- in fact, it never did, and he had no idea why. He guessed that it was because Hazel was his first ever friend and the first person he’s ever interacted with besides his family. Being 2 years older than him, Jared just assumed that Hazel knew what she was doing. For so many years he thought that the unsettling things Hazel did was normal. It wasn’t until almost 10 years later, when he met Noah, that he realized that was far from true. She constantly tortured anything that moved, performing “experiments” on them. These experiments mainly consisted of; removing limbs, tearing out organs, locking them in freezers or trash bags, burning them, feeding them poisonous objects, and stitching up two or even more creatures together, sometimes even alive, and seeing how long the forced fusion could live for. Jared never took part in doing the twisted experiments, but he did watch them, sometimes even forced to be Hazel’s assistant. 

The brunette continued walking, trying to focus on better memories. He smiled to himself, remembering that in a couple of months he’d get to see Noah again. Noah was the complete opposite of Hazel. Jared considered him as a “normal” human being. Unlike Hazel, Noah had lots of friends, almost perfect grades, and had a huge soft spot for animals. He knew a little bit about almost everything and was highly curious as well, as he would come up with questions and topics that Jared had never thought of, and those were only some of the things that Jared admired about him. It had been almost 5 months since they’ve seen each other since Noah had just recently graduated and was now busy with college. They did however stay in touch and would write emails to each other ever so often. 

Eventually, the two teens reached the bottom of the stairs and were now in the large underground room. A musty old smell floated around them. Jared coughed, reaching into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out his inhaler, using it quickly. Hazel turned around once again. “You ok?” she questioned, a hint of worry in her voice. Jared nodded, clearing his throat. Hazel smiled and gestured to him to keep following. They kept walking, stopping once they reached a rusted metal door. Hazel paused in front of it and turned to Jared. “I want to show you something Jared. I’ve been working on it for quite a long time, and I wanted you to be the first one to see it!” she smiled at Jared again and he awkwardly smiled back, wondering what kind of horror would be behind the door. A present?  He watched Hazel push open the door, allowing him to walk inside. Jared looked around, staring down the dark tunnels. He didn’t hear Hazel lock the door behind them.

“Wow,” Jared whispered, squinting his eyes. “It’s really dark down here.” Hazel stepped beside him. “Well, of course! It has to be! It’s so we don’t disturb them.” Hazel grabbed Jared’s arm, leading him down one of the tunnels. “Now let’s go!” Jared hesitantly followed, letting Hazel lead the way. “Disturb.. who?” he asked, staring at the girl in front of him. Hazel didn’t answer, continuing to drag him down the dusky underpass. The musty smell in the air slowly faded, being replaced by something smelling even more unpleasant. The further and further they walked, the stronger the putrid smell became. Jared gagged, covering his nose, the smell was almost unbearable. “Hey!” Jared snapped. “You told me you weren't going to show me a dead ani-” he was cut off by a fit of coughs and he reached for his inhaler again, desperately trying not to breathe in the pungent odor. He shoved his inhaler back into his pocket, feeling Hazel let go of his arm. She had stopped.

Hazel turned around, her deep silver eyes glowed in the darkness. Jared tried closing his eyes not wanting to look at the other pair, but felt himself unable to escape their command. Hazel looked away, her eyes now focusing on an object at the end of the tunnel. Jared walked closer to her, trying to not to look at the object, but curiosity got the best of him and he slowly lifted his eyes off the ground, feeling as if his head was being titled up by a nonexistent force. Once his eyes focused on the object in front of him he froze, falling onto his knees in disbelief. Hazel sat down beside him putting an arm around him comfortingly. “I know you two were very close, that’s why I wanted you to be the first to see it!” Jared felt his heart break into a million little pieces. “No..” he trembled, his whole body paralized with fear. “N-Noah..?”

The blonde haired boy didn’t answer as he stared lifelessly at Jared, his left eye being nothing but an empty socket. There was a look of terror and indescribable agony written across his once lively face. Noah was so pale that his skin was almost see through, little worms and other small insects visible underneath the skin. His back was bent in an impossible angle, his ribs tearing out from his sides. Burn marks were scattered all over his body, worms and maggots crawling out of the charred patches of skin. His mouth was slightly opened, hundreds of blisters lining his cheeks, throat, and tongue. Streaks of blood and pus were leaking from his nose and mouth, leaving trails of red and yellow. Hazel clapped her hands in excitement. “Isn’t this wonderful! The little ones have hatched!” she then focused her eyes on Noah, pouting. “He sadly didn’t make it throughout college after all, but hey, it was a perfect explanation for his disappearance, and it made it easier for me to send those emails to you!” Jared’s breath grew heavier as he remembered the emails. He remembered everything, how excited Noah was to start college, how he remembered being so proud of him, how Noah told him that Hazel invited him over the day before he left, and the promise that they’d see each other again- it was all too much. Jared felt the hot tears fall down the sides of his face and he looked back at Noah, whose arm now seemed to be twitching. Jared stared at it for a second, and reached for it, as he did parts of the skin tore open, unspecified bugs flying out and onto the ceiling, burying themselves deep in the alcoves above. 

Jared let out a small scream, his breath quickening. He stumbled back, frantically trying to wipe his eyes. Despite his vision being blurred with tears, he stood up and ran, knowing if he could just escape the cellar he’d be free, and able to tell everyone what had happened, he’d save Noah, he’d at least do.. something. He continued running, having no idea where he was going. He considered hiding, looking around for any spots Hazel might overlook. He suddenly yelped, feeling a sharp pain in his lower back. He turned around seeing a shadowy figure with a long emptied syringe in its hands. Adrenaline filled his body as he flung himself at the figure, pushing it down. He turned around, running as fast as his legs could carry him, his vision blurred once again and every footstep felt heavy, like he was sinking into the ground. He reached the rusted door once again, everything was spinning. He felt around for the door handle, for his vision was nearly gone by now. He could feel the figure behind him, looming closer and closer by every second. The last thing Jared remembered was falling hard, face first right onto the cold, damp cellar floor. 

Jared awoke, his eyes fluttering as he tried to focus on his surroundings, allowing them to adjust to the dim light. He gasped for air, struggling to breath. There was a sharp pain that started at his head, before splitting throughout his entire body. There was a large cut in the middle of his forehead that went all the way down to his brow, warm blood leaking all over his face. He shut his eyes, whining. His head felt like it was slowly being torn open. Probably because of the cracked skull, concussion, and collapsed lung which he was now enduring. Jared felt nothing but pain at this point. He felt something being placed on his forehead, eventually hearing Hazel’s voice from the side of him. The cool cloth soothed his head pain for a couple of seconds but the intolerable aching soon returned. Hazel then came into view, a small scalpel and an unidentifiable object in her hands. A wave of panic rushed over Jared as he struggled, realizing he couldn’t feel anything below his ribcage. He looked at his legs, trying to sit up, but there was absolutely no response. No feeling. Hazel gave him an apologetic look. “This isn’t normally how I perform this, but I couldn’t have you running away again. But hey, at least you can still feel your upper body.” she paused, gently placing her hand on his forehead. “The whole cracking your head open thing wasn’t supposed to happen either, but I think I can make it work. I think it’s for the better, now I can see how long they can live in a human head! I was originally only gonna put them in your intestines and lungs but now I have a third option! Isn’t this exciting!” her smile grew even wider, eyes practically shining through the darkness. 

Jared’s voice broke, more tears streaming down his face. “Now..” Hazel spoke, setting down the scalpel and placing the object down on the middle of Jared’s stomach. The object was now within Jared’s field of vision and he could see that the item was some sort of metal cube. He moved his eyes towards Hazel as she continued speaking. “This procedure seems to work the best when the ribs are broken.” And just as those words escaped her lips the metallic cube twitched slightly, three metal rods began poking out of each side, each of them having a sharp chain at the end. Before Jared could process what was happening, the rods hummed with life, spinning around in opposite directions, twisting themselves tightly around their victim. He let out a blood curdling scream that was followed by a sickening crunching noise. The chains untwisted, the rods retreating back into their block shaped home. His screams faded into a quiet, slow rattle of breaths. Jared’s eyes glazed over once more, the tears now falling freely, mixing with the crimson blood that now almost covered the entirety of his face. 

Hazel slowly placed the scalpel down on his stomach. She looked up at him, taking his staring as a question. “Alright, on to step two! I’m now going to be placing some of the eggs in your intestines.” she answered, frowning at the look on Jared’s face. “Hey, chill out okay? It’s not like you’re gonna be able to feel anything. When I did this to Noah he was fully awake! Sure, I did have to break his spine in order for him to stay still, but he didn’t completely give up like you are! It's kind of pathetic.” she smiled again, grabbing a small bucket filled with an unknown substance and setting it beside her. “..Hazel..?” Jared croaked, trying his best to look up. “Yes?” She answered, not looking at Jared, for her eyes were fixed on the scalpel, as she was carefully checking the blade. “I wanna.. I wanna go home..” Hazel returned the sharp object back to Jared’s stomach once again, and nodded. “I get that, sometimes I feel that way to. Sometimes I just want to forget about my responsibilities and go home.'' She made eye contact with the boy once again. “But we can’t always get what we want. Can we?” Jared squirmed, watching as Hazel slowly pressed the blade down, seeing it effortlessly cut through his skin and flesh. He couldn’t feel a thing. He tried looking away, but it was like the invisible force was back, holding his head in place, making him watch as Hazel successfully opened his stomach, his bloody organs fully visible now. Hazel continued cutting, she had done this an innumerable amount of times, she knew exactly how and where to cut. Jared felt himself passing out, his vision growing foggy. Hazel reached into his stomach, feeling the warm bloody innards, finding the perfect spot to place the eggs. The last thing Jared heard before completely blacking out was that same tune he had listened to countless times. Hazel continued humming, smiling to herself as she stitched the green eyed boy back up, getting ready to continue to step three.

Deadweight. That’s what Jared’s body felt like as his mind fell back into consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes, desperately hoping he had just woken up from a nightmare. Every inch of his body rived in agony. He took a breath, immediately wincing as intense pain radiated through his left side. His lungs felt as if they had been ripped apart, the pain worsening with every breath. His throat stung horribly from all the screaming and crying. He coughed, striving to get rid of the feeling of bugs crawling up and around his throat. The familiar suffocating smell hit his nostrils once again, he felt his stomach turn and he violently threw up all over himself, seeing small black dots crawling through the vomit. His back laid against the stone wall, he stared at his legs as they sat helplessly on the dark stone floor. There was once again, no response. He felt the insects crawling in and out of the cut on his forehead, for his head was now the only part of his body which wasn’t completely numb. The throbbing pain in his forehead started once again, but this time he kept his eyes open. It was dark, but across the tunnel from him he could make out Noah’s rotting body. The body was nothing but a living colony of crawling larvae now. He couldn’t watch. Jared coughed again, looking down at the lines of messy stitches covering his stomach and chest. He could feel them crawling inside of him, burying themselves deeper into his gut. Jared returned his gaze back to the decaying body of Noah and sniffled, crying silently in the dark, trying to cling to the hope of them seeing each other again. “I’m sorry,” he sobbed, voice breaking. ‘I’m so sorry that I didn’t…that I never had the chance to warn you..” 


Monday, November 9, 2020

The Winning Pass

A wave rushes over me

As we stand there patiently.

Watching the football fly free.

Pom-poms shaking constantly.

In the endzone, we see the

Winning opportunity.

As he catches that thrown ball,

We stand tall in victory.

-S. Weenie