Thursday, December 12, 2024

dog to cat


is barking 

at the cat in 

the empty garbge 

can, kitty 


 I take a long walk through the park 

Where my dog started to bark 

He's so loud 

With all the sound

I told him to hush 

Across the lawn I saw my crush

GM or Robert company. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Christmas notecard

 "There's no need to be afraid Roger, at christmas time."

There is joy

There is family gathering and good food

Oh my gosh, is it snowing?

We have to build a snowman and ride our sleds

Just don't eat the yellow snow!

-Peanut Butter

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Cyrch a Chwta Poem

 It’s almost the end of the year

Our own earth is a sphere

To turn a car you must steer

The Indians used spears

I like to hunt deer

Let's make everything clear here

Poor lol is broken 

This whole poem is silly

GM of Robert company

Monday, November 25, 2024

The Forgotten Day

 As I wake up this morning I feel different, but I shake it off. I look into the mirror while picking out an outfit but something is weird with my mirror every time I put an outfit up to it the mirror makes it darker. As I walk closer to the mirror I can feel it pulling me in and suddenly I am sucked through to the other side. This is strange I thought this was my room but darker and more punk. I try to go back through the mirror but I can’t. I must be stuck this is my worst nightmare. Everything in this room is nothing like me but then this woman that looks like my mom comes upstairs. “Addy it's time for school you better hurry up before you are late,” she says. So I quickly put on these random clothes that I found neatly packed in drawers and hustled out the door only to find that my car wasn’t there. “Mom where’s my car?” “You don’t have a car silly you ride the bus. Are you feeling okay? Do you wanna skip?” I look at this woman with a confused look on my face, there is no way she just offered to let me skip school. “No I’m fine mom I’ll just get on the bus.” 

    When I get to the school everyone looks different than usual. I walk up to Myah but she seems different too. Instead of being her fun self and being friends with everyone she is like this emo kid who hates everyone vocally. When I walk up to her she just stares at me confused “What are you looking at creep!” She yells. I just turn around frightened. I decided that to get through the school day I would just leave everyone alone and keep to myself. Going through each class the teachers are different when I got to Ms. Olson’s class she wasn’t the kind lovable teacher that everyone knew. She seems to be more aggressive and nothing gets past her. “Is your homework done? She yells in people’s faces. I check my homework quickly, shuffling through papers when I see that the homework is not done. “Ms. Olson, I don’t have my homework done.” “Well, guess who’s getting a zero then and will probably fail the class. Everyone look at me! Addyson happened to not get her homework done so you will all get zero’s on the homework. Have fun trying to get your grades back up.” After she was done yelling I felt absolutely terrible and couldn’t believe that she just did that. 

After the most horrible day at school, I arrive back at the house after getting off the bus. When I get home I notice that my whole family is home and the mirror from this morning is in the living room. “Addy what was this doing in your room. We know it isn’t for getting ready in the morning because you don’t care about your appearance. Also, we got a call from the school that you were different today like you tried talking to people that is not like you.” As I was trying to explain everything about getting sucked into the mirror and that I don’t belong here they all looked at me like they knew exactly what happened. “We know what happened all you need to do is wish that you want to go back to your normal life and walk through the mirror.” the woman explained. So that is what I did and as I was getting closer to the mirror I could feel the pull again and when I opened my eyes I was back to the morning that I woke up. It was like nothing even happened at all.


Friday, November 22, 2024

turkey more no

 come has day the 

enjoy the time

turkey chocolate of heads delicious 

yelled sister my ?sigma the what 

Turkey chocolate no there's 

!!!all it eat I 

Skibbity toilet

 What are you such a rizzler

looking like a yummy twizler

I'm the best around I'm the only alpha 

got me whipped just like my boy Alfalfa

tkibby toilet got noithng on me 

we out of here yeppie


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Cytrch a Chwta poem

The tiny little cat sits.

On the countertop with mits.

Then it threw a little fit.

I almost got badly bit.

So I decided to hit.

It didn’t decide to quit.

Then I gave it a cute hat.

With a little mat and split.

Friday, November 8, 2024

to no return

 the scary dark woods

had a tiny house 

with a hidden path 

to the haunted hotel where no one cames back alive ever 

so johnny and margaret decided to return on out there 

they walk inside and johnny asked margared to stay touching him i'm outside she said 


Thursday, November 7, 2024

Nothing to Do

 Got home at 6:00 and probably should do homework right, nope

*opens TikTok*












7:30 time to shower

8:15 after the shower probably should do homework, nope

*opens TikTok*








9:30 lays in bed grab bookbag takes out Chromebook

*still on TikTok*


Looks at homework



Looks at homework 



Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Air force



Idk man, it's pretty weird. I passed the ASVAB. I don't have a roommate and kinda wish I did because it's pretty lonely. My mom can't stay in the same room. I miss her. I haven't talked to anyone since my mom left at 4:30 and it's 7:30 (more or less). Tomorrow I have to wake up at 4 in the morning and get ready for the medical part of MEPS. I'm not excited because it takes about 6-8 hours and I probably won't get in on the first go around. They check all the medication you've been on and I had really bad migraines. I took medication to try and stop the headaches. I haven't gotten one since about Sophomore year but they still probs want to see documentation for the meds. They would want me to come back on a different day. I met a girl in the hotel. She was very nice. her name was Everlegh she was going into the army and she had to go to basic training in about 3 weeks. The hotel is so nice. they have gaming computers PS4 and a tv to watch obv tv on it. They have Janga and they even have an air hockey table. I'm so sad I can't go swimming. The water in my ears will mess with my testing tomorrow. slay the day away


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

I Used to Hate Fall

 I Used to Hate Fall 

- A loosely rhymed “poem” of “acceptance” (half rant, half poem)

I used to hate fall

Cold weather, early sunsets, late rises

You can’t do anything outside

Cold fingers, cold toes

And no snow

It appeared to have nothing… well…useful

This year, something changed

The weather grew colder, yet 

My animosity simply became a memory


The leaves grow older and fall to the ground

A parade of colors, red, yellow, a bit of green, and brown

The only ones left sitting still are pine

And for once, with me, that’s fine

I do not wish for snow to come

But I don’t know that I’ll mind it (as much) this year

Something about a cold morning, breath lightly fogging

As I trek out to the car, my mind slightly groggy

Sitting down, shivering, my bag in the backseat

Turn the car over, sit still, and wait for the heat

It roars to life

Cold starts can’t be beat

Pop up the lights, put on the defroster

After a few minutes, drive off

I avoid the cold monster

I normally drive for a while

Nature doesn’t seem so wild, this time of year 

Yet there’s still many things that many still fear

Halloween, the cold, black ice

Some real, some simply made up in the mind

I find it a reason to just stay inside

It’s something that catches my parents by surprise

Something I don’t do often, has come once a year

And be it only the final year at which I’ll stay here

Now, inside at this point is still quite subjective

From the couch to my car, it’s quite objective

I like to go out, and park on a hill

Lay the seat back, playing music, feeling no chill

My heat and my music, an extra blanket I now love

Maybe fall, truly, is a gift from above

Warm nights, sitting awake on the couch

Playing good movies, then falling asleep on that couch

Something this year, just feels quite different, quite warm

Though maybe my indifference will go away when I stay in a dorm.

(I don’t have a good way to end this, so it’ll just stop here. Not my best writing,

but it’ll do for now)

  • Schrodinger's Katze

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


 What happens when Ms.Olson is gone...

The tiny and naughty kids 

Have bets on the bids 

They bet all their money

On that day so sunny

And with the sunny money

It was going really funny

With all the kids win

They gave it to Quinn

The song was a Bop 

Quinns life needs to stop.

Peanut Butter 


Why are you here I really don't want to smile 

I'd rather you left; Then I could cry

Because there was a hole in my 

Head from the monster under my bed, He picks off piece by piece until finally I'm dead.

Gm of Robert Company 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Two Sentence Horror Story

 Driving home alone in the dark late at night. There was the soft voice of your grandma's humming. 


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 will have a fun time 

we had fun with slime 

Making it was really hard 

it was with her card 

It will hide the body 

I am so so naughty 

i loved this funny game 

until i got badly maimed 

I tried to make a rhyme I messed up every time 


  You get off the plane and out of the airport into a cab. You tell the driver Time Square, he says a sure thing, and just like that, you are off. You look at all the cool billboards and skyscrapers as you drive. Finally, you arrive 27 dollars says the driver you reach into your wallet and grab a 20 a 5, and two 1s inspecting each bill to make sure it isn't two bills stuck together, and step out of the cab, and it hits you. All the sights, Hundreds of people, Hundreds of cars, Sky scrappers that look like they touch the clouds, Realistic billboards advertising the most popular things all the shops selling all the trending things. You look around and see people playing music. It is the experience of a lifetime. Now imagine if you couldn’t see, none of the people or the cars. This situation would be a lot different…You feel the plane's tires hit the pavement and the engines slow down as you hear people start to stand grab their stuff and shuffle away. So you know that finally, your plane has landed so you feel around till finally you find your bag you grab it and stand up and shuffle your way off the plane feeling your cane hit off each chair on the edge of the aisle. You hear the flight attendants mumbling to each other as you get off the plane. It's the usual struggle but you finally get through TSA, you hear a man talking so you have to ask him to call a cab cause you don’t know where the road is. He is a kind man and gets you a cab. You get in the cab inform the driver that you are blind and ask to roll down the windows he says sure why not now where are you headed. Time square. Alrighty he says and you feel the car jolted into motion. You feel around the back seat the seats are made of a nice cool leather while the floor is soft carpet. You listen to the cars going by the people talking and the cars honking. Finally, you feel the car come to a stop and the cab driver says here you go Times Square that will be 27 dollars. You reach into your wallet and feel your specially marked bills you find a 20 a 5 and two 1’s you hand it to him and get out of the cab you take a deep breath in and smell all the food places restaurants, food trucks you hear hundreds of people walking around you, hundreds of cars driving by the occasional one honking its horn. you hear people in stores picking out shoes, clothes, and souvenirs. You hear people playing music and billboards advertising all the trending things This is a one-in-a-lifetime experience.

While the second story had a major disadvantage of not being able to see they still found their way around the city and had the time of their lives visiting Times Square. 

GM of Robert company

Outsiders the Rewrite

A heart of gold

If you die my heart will break 

The autumn air with birds landing on rough bark and the police sirens blaring 

In the park all the boys could taste the blood

Sodapop working at DX Station oblivious to Ponyboy and Johnny’s danger

But was he

Back at the movies Dally, Ponyboy and Johnny snuck in

Dally tried to rizz up Cherry but failed tragically

Bob submerged Ponyboy in the fountain but ended up dying himself

“Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold”

The wild fire of death is coming for Johnny

The brown strand turned bright blonde on Ponyboy’s head

Johnny and Ponyboy fly threw the fiery church to save the children

Dally storms in to the hospital and talks to Moody Martha to see how Johnny is doing

The greasers are going to win the Rumble against the Soces

Greasers and Soces went to the friendly rumble

Johnny isn’t dead, he can’t be

Ponyboy rennen (Run, Ponyboy in Dutch)

Gone with the Wind speaks to Johnny and Ponyboy to be safe

Cop cars lights blinding, gun shots going off, Dally rolling down the hill, his last word, “Ponyboy”


Friday, October 4, 2024

Who dropped it first ?

There are many educational games that you could play during your childhood.

You could go out and play catch or play a card game like go fish...

Or you could play the very safe game called the knife game.

Where someone gets mad at the other person and they grab a big kitchen knife and chase the other person 

around the house. Then the other person somehow makes it into the kitchen and gets and even bigger 

knife and chases the other person until they drop the knife and everyone puts it back. 

And tells NO ONE

-Peanut Butter 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Math Homework and More (A fun poem about a not-fun situation)

 Math Homework and More (A fun poem about a not-fun situation)

Take a day and homework multiplies

Add in your hours at work 

Subtract the hours you sleep

School, 7 hours times 5

Classes, 8 by 5 days

Allow me to ask you an equation

If a train of work is coming at 42 mph

And it decreases by one assignment a day

If I subtract a day

To how many minutes does the work add up?

15 minutes times 8 is two hours

I have not two hours to add to my day.

When will that train hit the wall?

The wall made of papers and papers past due?

To me I know not, the math is for you.

I have but twenty-four hours a day

School takes away eight

Take away sleep, there goes another seven

Now what to do?

I’ve got less now than eleven

9 hours to go, work takes away three

Only 6 hours, a couple I need free

4 hours to go, breakfast lunch and dinner

2 and a half hours won’t work

I need to try harder to make this thing work

I’ll add in some hours, somewhere, somehow

I’ll come out on top, and emerge as a winner.

But boy I should have done my math homework sooner

All together I made it through, but what a mess

Now all my other stuff, too, I guess

-Schrodinger's Katze

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

These I Have Loved

 These I have loved:

Late nights stretching into early mornings while out camping with friends

Fishing on a bridge with my friends, at a lake with my family

The smoky haze of a fire in the backyard

The sweet hickory smell coming from the smoker for the entire day

Coming home from practice and not seeing a Crockpot on the counter

Airsoft and water fights with my brothers in the backyard

The cool breeze of mountain air as I rush down the trail on a too-light bike

Biking on a gravel road for miles on end at sunrise in the warm summertime

Visiting Maine, going to a waterpark with my cousins

Quads on forest trails that seem to stretch across the state, from their house to town, miles

The unique smell of a hoodie passed down, which I realize mine smell like now

Hiking on trails through the deserts of Utah, up an entirely different kind of mountain

Building a fort with my friends at the fairgrounds, 4 rooms, 2 stories, a staircase, and more

Taking parts and a cart at my uncle’s house and building an entire car from parts on Easter

The smell of old books in a library or a shelf in the house

Motorcycle rides through the outskirts of Denver (my mother did NOT love this one)

Riding quads and bikes down country roads all day and night

The mixture of cologne scents in stores and the bathroom

A well-worn shirt that has stood the test of time

Skateboarding down the streets of downtown, they’re smooth and empty at midnight

The bittersweet return home from a vacation, only sweet because of my bed

Cranking over my car right at 6 am, and driving for half an hour on my birthday before one act

The sound of an engine under load, or revving in neutral

Misty mornings in springtime, fog covering the hillsides outside of town, wafting over the streets

A mildly rainy day while driving out of town with friends, the smell of rain surrounding us

The smell of stale cigarettes on my bomber jacket passed down from a late great-uncle

Fireworks explode on the fourth of July, many are not legal, but still, they fly high

This and many more, all from years gone by, yet many to come, so no need to cry

-Schrodinger's Katze

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

 A Shot Rang Out - (From Prompt: “You Find Yourself the Villian in the End”

It’s cold and dark. 

So cold. 

Icy metal rests in my hand, as I groggily raise my eyelids. 

The stench of burnt brass lazily wafts in the air, stinging my eyes and nose. 

I go to move and can’t feel my leg. 

I look down to see a mangled mess. 

There’s nothing I can do. 


I give myself thirty, maybe twenty minutes if no help arrives. 

Nevertheless, I pull my sweat-stained shirt off my back and attempt a makeshift tourniquet. 

It might buy me five extra minutes. 

I don’t remember what happened. 

The smell of iron is covering the room.

A puddle in the corner, dark.

So dark.

Another mangled form sits there, a hole in their chest.

Just like me, they don’t move an inch.

What happened?

The doorway…someone’s in the doorway.

Sirens explode outside.

Red and blue lusters around the figure's silhouette.

I hurt.

I ask for help.

I don’t receive it. 

The person is set in stone.

They’re a statue, set in stone.

Cold stone.

Why won’t they help?

I feel their glare across my face, it burns me, just like the spent brass sprawled around me.

As they approach, I look down at my lap and see what the metal is.

A gun.

They come closer.

Closer yet.

They’re on top of me.

I can’t breathe.

They retreat rapidly as I quiver and move my hand around the metal lump in my lap.

Help me.

They don’t.

He’s still in here, he’s not moving. It’s been twenty minutes.

It’s my fault, all my fault.

The memories come back.

The house, the break-in, the dopamine-induced trigger pull out of fear.

All I needed was a couple hundred to get me out of the state.

They tried to fight me, not five feet I had stepped.

A shot rang out.

The sirens, they’re loud, so damn LOUD!
Yeah, I have him, he’s in the bedroom by the window.

I’m cold.

I raise the gun, not at the statue, but myself.

A click.

I’m not going closer, just get in here.

The gun is jammed, yet one round remains.

I smack the slide into place, grimacing in agony.

A click. The round is chambered.

He has a gun! You’re the police, get in here!

I know there’s no other way out.

I can’t go back.

They won’t help me.

They won’t.

I have the only way out.

I raise the gun again.

It’s my fault, it’s all my fault, all for a couple hundred dollars.

Yeah right.

It’ll be a couple hundred years now.

Not on my watch, I can’t live like this.

I won’t let them have me, never.

A shot rang out.

-Schrodinger's Katze