I believe that our world and the events that take place in it are too complex and diverse to try to comprehend. I will never know why I am who I am or why I do the things that I do, but while I am here living my life, it is best to live my life to the fullest, regardless of the risk. Being cautious will get me nowhere in life. Taking risks is the key to success. In my life, I have risked being judged on numerous occasions for the risks that I have taken. But the thing to remember is that those risks have always paid off in the long run. A great life will not be determined by the number of worldly possessions I have or the dollar amount in my bank account, but instead, it will be determined by how well I take advantage of each moment and memory that was presented to me. Regret is one of the worst feelings in the world, so I am going to try my hardest to never have to feel that emotion. There is no point to it. If I take advantage of every opportunity, I will never have to wonder “what if”.
I believe in the power of hope and how important it is to remain strong in the darkest times. My grandparents are the strongest people I know, battling through numerous health conditions to be able to live their life the way they want it. I’ll never know why my grandma was chosen to have to battle the horrible thing that is cancer, but I know that there’s a reason for everything. I’ll never know why my grandpa was taken from me before I even got to know him, but I feel him with me every day. Good can still come from the worst situations with the power of hope.
I believe that everything in our life happens for a reason. When little parts of life start to break down and fall apart, I cannot act as though the world is ending too. My life, while small in the grand scheme of things, is important to my world and to the people who I experience my life with. Even when I feel alone, I know that my family and the people closest to me are still there. Without me, the world would not be the same place that it is right now. Each action has an opposite and equal reaction. I must live by this small belief so I can remind myself that no action comes without a consequence, whether that consequence is good or bad. No matter where I am in my life, by remembering that I am important to this world, I will be okay.
I believe that no one can control this world, so it is best to live your life the way you want it. I believe that hope is the most important emotion during hard times. I believe that everything that happens has a greater purpose. This I believe.
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