Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What up St Johns

Back at St. John's when I was in elementary school, going there was some of the best and worst times of my life. From kindergarten all the way through fourth grade me and the ten other kids that went there. Plus two other teachers we made some pretty epic memories like:

Playing hockey for P.E. And getting penalties for hitting each other's with the sticks.
Not realizing how weird it was having class with people from different grades.
The older kids trying to convince us that the enchiladas was alien meat.
Accidentally letting our class bird outside.
Finding different ways to threaten each other with rulers.
Punching or yelling at Cole everyday.
Having to sing 11 plus songs for concerts.
Also I always had to be Mary and Cole had to be Joseph.
Hanna and I having a fight like every other day.
Glueing our fingers together so we didn't have to work.
Not knowing that school lunches were suppose to taste bad.
Reaching a certain age and having to help with lunch and mass.
Playing hangman with father Stan.
 Making a light fall from the ceiling when we hit it with a ball.
Getting our swings taken away because we were to dangerous with them.
Them let's not forget our legendary filed trips
Getting to stay overnight in a zoo
Going zip lining and rock climbing
Being the only girl bravery enough to milk a cow when we went to a dairy farm
Sleeping over at the school
Playing hide and go seek in the dark.
Having a scavenger hunt in the church.

Being some of the last classes to go to this school we definitely had the best adventure in our short time of being together.


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