Monday, November 28, 2022
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Sestina Poem
There’s something on the horizon, a storm
is coming. It’s late in the day, a long shadowis cast. I watch from inside a bird fly.
On the TV there are warnings of a tornado.
Outside it starts to blow. Wind
shakes the leaves from trees. I pull a blanket close.
Danger grows close.
News of the storm
is drowned out by the wind.
Something approaches silently like a shadow.
It formed too quickly to have prepared for the tornado.
Trash is thrown, it seems to fly.
All the animals have ran, birds no longer fly
Danger comes close,
I move downstairs away from the tornado.
I can hear the storm
passing overhead, hiding in the basement’s shadow.
A sound like screaming comes from the wind.
I can feel the house being shaken by the wind.
It’s wet down here, pools of water form and a fly
buzzes by. The dim light bulb cast a yellow shadow.
I huddle in a corner, bringing arms and legs close.
Over the radio the storm
rages on, news is broadcasted about the tornado.
Time passes and the tornado
starts to let up, wind
dies down. I’m in the eye of the storm.
Upstairs, I can see debris fly
in the distance. I close
an opened door, and my home is filled with shadow.
It’s night now, and a single street lamp casts a shadow.
I can no longer see the wall of the tornado.
I go back to the basement, and close
The door behind me. I can hear wind
start to pick back up. The fly
rejoins my company. Hours pass until the end of the storm.
The storm is gone. Shadow
seems to envelope the world. The fly has left with the tornado.
Wind pushes my door, again, close.
Friday, November 11, 2022
Random sayings
"I hate school but I'm love it"-August 23, 22
"You smell like a cheezit" -September 2, 22
"I promise I'll drop out of school" September 2, 22
"Go to sleep it's literally 12 in the morning" October 16, 22
"you watch frozen too much and it's Halloween season" October 27, 22
all the wise words from my brother Neymar
There is a tale of a small town located in the middle of a forest that has been terrorized for hundreds of years. The townsfolk have described the horrifying creature as some form of metal sphere, about three feet in diameter and supernaturally polished. It is said that the being rolls around town bumping into the legs of any unsuspecting victims. Citizens are terrified to leave their homes, only venturing out when only necessary, like mailing a letter or getting a haircut. The ball has been seen rolling down the cobblestone streets, somehow never becoming scratched. There have been stories told about times when people have almost lost their balance after being bumped into.
The residents call it the “Chrome Devil” and as far as anyone knows it has been around since the beginning of time. Some lunatics who have long lost their minds have suggested that the creature actually doesn’t mean any harm and it technically hasn’t done anything wrong. These people, of course, should not be listened to. There have been efforts in the past to destroy the evil that haunts the village, but to no avail. Spears, pitchforks, knives, swords, and even bullets do no damage, seemingly bouncing off of its reflective metal surface. Currently there seems to be no hope for the residents, especially considering that their community is so isolated.
So far, there have been no attempts to contain the ball, as it is theorized that it is too powerful to be trapped. Many have tried to flee the town, only to find the metal sphere sitting in the middle of the road leading out of the town. Not wanting to hurt its feelings, all have immediately turned around and returned to their homes. No one is quite sure when, if ever, this evil presence will leave their village. In an interview with the local sheriff on what they plan to do to save the residents, he said “Yeah, I’m not really sure. We’ve tried asking it to leave, but it kind of just bumped into us and we got out of there pretty quickly.”