This story is a fun multi ending story that makes fun of horror stories. The main character Bill has to find his way out of his house with an intruder. You have to pick Bill's fate so choose wisely.
written by Lauren P and Kolin Z
This story is a fun multi ending story that makes fun of horror stories. The main character Bill has to find his way out of his house with an intruder. You have to pick Bill's fate so choose wisely.
written by Lauren P and Kolin Z
Owls are the only bird that can see blue.
Are there more doors or wheels in the world?
How is Norfolk pronounced?
Orange juice is not orange
Head hurts? Good
-Memento Mori
"I'm getting lucky like coins in the well"
Road trip to Vegas?
in me mums car vroom vroom
get out me car!
I went to see the gold at the end of the rainbow.
The end is in the neighbor yard, too bad he already mowed.
(NoteCard Journal)
How To Be A Fly
Show up randomly, and don’t leave!
Keep buzzing, it’s music to human ears!
Make yourself right at home on your human of choices arm,
Bite if you have to,
Just avoid the fly swatter.
Nothing beats the simplicity of a small town Nebraska day.
The wind smells of freshly cut alfalfa and the cottonwoods shade the farmhouse.
We don’t fret about tomorrow, we live in today.
Old folks sit with coffee and chat at the cafe.
The community is one big tight knit family.
Nothing beats the simplicity of a small town Nebraska day.
We bow our heads in the pew to pray
And raise our own top quality Nebraska beef
We don’t fret about tomorrow, we live in today.
Dad fixed up and drives an ol’ car, a Chevrolet
It’ll be passed down in the family for many generations to come.
Nothing beats the simplicity of a small town Nebraska day.
In the mud is where arrowheads are found as the children play.
Their brown eyes are a shade of golden honey in the sunlight.
We don’t fret about tomorrow, we live in today.
Thankfulness and pride is always displayed.
Nebraska is home to the most beautiful displays of color in the sky.
Nothing beats the simplicity of a small town Nebraska day.
We don’t fret about tomorrow, we live in today.
Yellow stops in her tracks when she hears birds chirping or when she gets a whiff of flowers
She smiles at the neighborhood dogs even if they don’t know what a smile means
Yellow embodies a ray of sunshine, peeking through the clouds whenever you need her most
She turns the world on its toes drawing any eye as she walks past
She’s the golden sunflowers growing out of the ditches that plant seeds in your mind making it so hard not
to turn back and pick some
Yellow is as sweet as the honey that trickles from your lips
She’s strong, fierce, and laughs with her mouth wide open
Her touch is delicate, graceful, and kind
Her hair in the light reflects that of lively, golden satin in the wind, despite its natural brown hue
Yellow walks through life dreaming of encountering the very components she’s made up of; sunshine, flowers, bumble bees, honey, and the blonde shimmer sitting on top of the ocean at sunset
She imagines swimming in the sea of tang fish colored the same as she is
Yellow longs for the sense of security and safety of knowing she’s found other yellows, who can reciprocate all the smiles, sunshine and warm fuzzy feeling she’s constantly emitting
To make it out of a town that she is anything but
No matter how many hours of sleep I add
I can never subtract the zero space between my eyelids
I try to multiply my energy by 10 with coffee
It never works
To most sleeplessness plus coffee equals awake
To me, there is no solution
Some nights I calculate the hours of sleep I get
The constant no sleep can be named by the term insomnia
I am less likely than others to fall asleep
The ratio of sleepless nights to nights I sleep is 3/1
This is the end of my segment
Eyes blue, full of justice,
Eyes black, cold, “just trust us,”
Gun cowering in shaking hands,
Motionless, continuing, he stands,
I wish we met before,
They convinced me life is war,
The final sound ends with a blow,
Cowering in fear, having nowhere to go.