Will I?
Will I walk beside a man with his head held tall?
Will I sit beside him staring in awe?
Will I listen to stories spun over the years?
Will I lend history my ears?
Will I go back to meet the women who paved the way?
Will I hear how they saved the day?
Will I hear tales of hardships and struggles?
Will I witness first loves and snuggles?
Can the past change the present?
Will I witness that big of a life-changing event?
Because in the end, the past is the past
And isn’t there a reason it didn’t last?
How’d you do it grandma?
How did you meet my grandpa?
How did you not only withstand the depression
But manage to raise four children in the recession?
As rooted in your beliefs as you were,
Did you ever feel like your prayers went unheard?
How does one mourn the loss of a child?
How did that not drive you wild?
Did you ever just sit down and ask
“Good Lord, how long will this last?”
What did you do when we joined the wars?
Did you stare at the news in horror?
What did you feel when you held your first grandbaby?
Did you think that this one might have a chance in this world, just maybe?
Did it come as a surprise that you were a great grandma
And that Dale had become a great grandpa?
Quilts upon quilts sewing every stitch with love.
Reading scripture from the Lord up above.
How did you juggle it all?
How did you manage to rise and not fall?
A woman built with the strength of the past
Representing generations to last.
Showing your grandbabies what a woman should be.
When times got tough you did not flee.
Megdaline Duering you are missed.
And sometimes it helps to reminisce.
With your family, your memories are stored,
If only I had known you more.