Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Language-Thought Paradox

Language is a paradox
No Merriams or Websters in all the Oxfords of the world can cement its identity
No amount of furor scribendi can contain it
By the time the Yeets and the Selfies can be added, Language has already moved on
If someone were to “drop you a note”, one might not even catch the hint
Perhaps the change arises from creativity
But what colorful naivety that assumption brings, for most change comes from utter laziness
Thought, on the other hand, could perchance be safe from the scourge of time?
But rather Thought is its own demise, for by thinking, Thought is what deteriorates
Language is Thought, or rather lack thereof, for to express is to destroy the need to think
Perhaps one day one will win out over the other
But Language breathes too heavily, and Thought’s heart beats too strongly
The two entangle in a web of senses; coarse, yet smooth; blinding, but eye-opening; acrid, yet refreshing; bitter, but tantalizingly sweet; Loud, and still hushedly soft.
Even names, all the Williams, Wills and Bills, become twisted and interchanged
For Thought is not its own demise, rather Language is the end of both
The hard truth of Thought is that there is no truth, only fantasy
Thought is a haze, a gloom thick as the stench of cigarette smoke, obscuring all logic and reason
Language, likewise, is as concrete as the tick of time, seemingly constant, yet more abstract than one might think
They come alive together and crawl into every crack and fissure in our lives
But Thought will be the end of Language, and Language Thought’s demise, and together they will reap for all of time.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


"Medic!" I hear called from down the way.
I run, sprint, dash to the downed soldier's aid.
After dodging several bullets, I say,
"You are not dying today."

"What do we got?" I ask the medic.
"Gun shot wound to the abdomen."
"Ah, crap!" he's septic.
"Get him to bed ten."

"What do we got?" I ask the paramedics.
"Car crash. His vitals were almost flat."
The patient was barely six.
"Okay, get him to an O.R. stat!"

He was just a kid
I eyed where he layed
There was nothing he did--
I focus, and ask the nurse, "ten-blade."

No matter where I am in the world
No matter who I am helping
There is one thing for sure...
I will be healing.

- Mr. Guy

Monday, September 24, 2018

Country Roads

Something that makes me feel happy is when I drive around in the country. Nothing to worry about and having fun on the gravel roads. Speed is reduced, rocks kicking up, trees waving as you pass them, hawks flying over dead animals, doe crossing the road with their fawns, and the dust clouding the road behind you. It may not be soothing to you but it is to me.
By Crockpot

Lost sense


The girl without touch
Was still able to feel without feeling
She could still feel pain mentally
But no longer physically
Her only outlet of emotions
She could no longer experience
The smooth blade grazing across her forearm
Was her only release
She cries every night
Not knowing what to do
Her dog comes up to comfort her
But what’s the use
If she can’t feel his soft fur,
His warm body
She says to herself,

“What’s the point of living if life can’t touch me”

~the black lion

Lost Sense

A world without sound is a world without life.
It is not very nice.
It is a Dark and a quite a freaky fright.
Would you be able to stand the peace and tranquility of no sound whatsoever?
Nothing  but your own thoughts?
No talk?
Reading her lips and taking the hints like smelling a sweet sceLost nt by day.
Serenading with them all with my eyes and they say what I need to say without words by night.
Everyday is a new day to take flight and get high as a kite.
Who needs sound anyway?  It is overrated! Overused! Not used when we choose to turn that sense off. I  don’t have to listen to that annoying girl in the desk in front of me
And hear sounds of shouting and pouting of people who cannot get their way. I think they had a rough day.
Why try to hear beauty when it’s all in front of your eyes and you can Smell, taste, see, and feel it?...
Sound however makes it complete, unified, united.
We take hearing things for granted.
The little things we really do.
The sounds of rushing waters over a drop,
The sound of rain making a short little plop that you don’t want to stop.
The cry or laugh of a baby
The sound of music, the sound of little birds chirping in the morning!
The moments we think would be perfect for a movie soundtrack of your life.
The speed of sound brings light to a community where darkness creeps quietly and silent like the g in lasagna, silent and piercing as a Mardi Gras masked killer.
Sound is everything and anything. Without sound we would be driven nuts, loco, tortured.
We must make noise!
We live on sound as much as we do light
Because it is a constant fight that’s brought sight so we just might listen.
A world without listening is a world without dummies.
A Real G

Friday, September 21, 2018

Restless NIghts

Restless Nights
Life is a journey best traveled with friends.
But some unfortunatly reach an early end.
Their bodies worn and beaten down.
Life has brought them to the ground.
The journey just isn’t worth it anymore.
They’re knocking on death’s front door.

Oh these restless nights,
Wondering if you did it all right.
Hoping they’ll be there when you wake up,
But knowing that their time may have come.

Failure to see they are struggling.
It feels like no one is listening.
Fading slowly from the light.
They’ve already put up quite the fight,
Battling those inner demons that claw
At the inside of their skulls they knaw.
Filling the body with so much grief,
Until they feel more fragile than a leaf.

Oh these restless nights,
Wondering if you did it all right.
Hoping they’ll be there when you wake up,
But knowing that their time may have come.

Endless bouts of depression.
One can have only so many medications.
Trying to keep yourself afloat,
While pulling others into your boat.
Rolling through crashing waves.
Regrettably not all can be saved.

Oh these restless nights.

Oh these restless nights.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Lost Sense

Being Without Sight
Seeing color in this somewhat dark world
is something that I need.
Not being able to see my loved ones would be really rough too
The sweet smiles of a baby
Watching the huskers kick butt (hopefully);)
Being able to read and write and color
Missing going shopping or dressing myself
Being in danger of running into things
Constantly falling and hurting myself
Not knowing what I eat until it is in my mouth
Not knowing where I am and getting lost contantly
Being stuck in my own head might make me go insane
Although there are plenty of negatives there are positives
Not being able to see all of the bad things going on in life
Being about to learn braille and listening more
Not being able to do homework probably is a life saver
I think I would appreciate others more
Sight is such an important thing in my life

I don’t know what I would do without it.


Monday, September 17, 2018

Our First Times

Our First Times

From the first moment we enter this world, we experience something new, something different. From our first breath to our first last breath, new memories are waiting around the corner.
For the first minute of my life, I was the first child. Then, I was a twin.
Many of my first firsts had to be shared.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all bad. I still have yet to report my first time killing a spider on my own.
My firsts became Our firsts.
The first time I slept in a “big girl bed” was also the first time Scott slept in a “big boy bed”
The first time we had to go to sleep without mom in the room, we teamed up to see how loud we could cry, hoping she’d feel sorry and come back in.
The first time I moved was the first time Scott moved.
Our first pet was a cat named Grey Kitty, original I know.
The first time I went to the ER, Scott was there
We walked in the door of our first day of school together.
Our first time having different teachers was in 2nd grade.
We rode our first airplane on the way to Disney World.
Our first day of Freshman year was both nerve-wracking and exciting.
We have the same first car.
We watched our first play in the Orpheum theatre.
The first time I stepped foot in a different country, Scott was there too.
We rode in our first taxi together.
The first time Scott tried escargot, so did I.
Scott and I saw the mountains for the first time in Switzerland.
I was sitting next to him the first time I tried fondue.
Scott got on his first plane without me last July.
I celebrated my first birthday without him this past June.
In the future, there are going to be a lot of firsts for us.
First day of college,
First terrible roommate,
First time voting,
First apartment.
First love,
First house,
First kid.
All these firsts are going to happen,
And for the first time,
They’re going to happen

~S. Rae

The Road Between Here and There

Here is where I was born, with the white walls surrounding the miracle of life.
Here is my happy, picture-perfect family living and growing together.
Here is the start of my sickness, the dehydration kicking in and risking everything.
The countless hospital visits, and the last one that saved my life.
Here is happiness because of a great miracle.
Here is the beginning of the end, the fights and the end of a relationship.
Divorce, the event that altered my life forever.
Here is the start of the new life, living without my parents together.
Here is my grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary,
Where I demolished too many sweets and ended up puking on the dance floor.
Here is the fresh start, where my mom found love again.
Here is the darkness, the loss of the greatest light in the world.
Starting life without my grandpa, one of the toughest days of my life.
Here is my sister’s graduation party, a day where I cried and lost my best friend.
Here is the start of junior high sports, nerves and awkwardness paving the way.
Here is the beginning of a new path, the start of a new school and life with my dad.
New opportunities and greatness arose from this decisive action.
Here is the start of my grandma’s sicknesses.
With hope, we made it through.
Here is the start of my dream,
Playing volleyball has always been something I’ve wanted.
Here is my sophomore year of football, starting on defense and making a name for myself.
With a proud family and a humble heart, I played that sport with a passion.
Here is speech success, which ended with heartbreak and disappointment.
Here is my junior year,
Excellence in school has caused my family to be proud.
Stress and expectations are weighing down on me like a mountain.
Here is Washington D.C., the greatest experience of my life with amazing people.

Here is my life so far, ups and downs, twists and turns, making me the person I am today.

-Oliver, the cat

Thursday, September 13, 2018

My Deck of Cards

My Deck Of Cards.

The way I’ve lived my life isn’t always ideal.
These are the cards I’ve decided to deal.
Shuffle the cards, maybe you’ll see,
Who I am, and what’s the tea.

Spades are for the garden,
For Growth.

Ace of Spades is where I scraped my knee on the tree root that hid in the grass,
It was in the worst spot, but it wasn’t always that bad.
The 2 of Spades is the giving tree that I laid underneath on the bad days,
She was always there for me in the best ways.
The 3 of Spades is where I’d hide behind the bushes with my best friend,
Telling secrets that will be secrets until the end.
The 4 of Spades is the pathway located on my old cul de sac covered in trees and bush,
A shortcut to the park, a way to happiness, though often we fell on our tush.
The 5 of Spades, the porch swing of my neighbor across the street,
When Halloween came around, we’d play pretend witches and into the night we shriek.
The 6 of Spades are the bonfires with Sunjo in my front yard.  
The entire cul de sac would pull up a chair, not enough attention was giving to the s’mores charred.
The 7 of Spades, having races with all of the kids in the neighborhood to see who could roll down Karen’s lawn the fastest.
Allie always hit the mailbox, Cassie always hit the flowers hiding in the basket.
The 8 of Spades is building igloos in the front yard on snow days,
Shining bright, the sun would soon shine her rays.
The 9 of Spades was making our own waterpark in the front yard,
Running through the sprinklers fast and hard.
The 10 of Spades, the nights spent catching fireflies on warm summer nights before bed,
Capturing them in a jar, watching them glow, “let them free in the morning.” Mother always said.
The Jack of Spades, dancing in the rain in our shirts and shorts,
Coming in soaked, we did things of all sorts.
The Queen of Spades is gardening on the east side of my house,
Pulling weeds always got my mother roused.
The King of Spades, my father playing football, soccer, and basketball with us,
Without him playing, it was absolutely no fun.

Clubs are for dancing,
For having wholesome fun.

The Ace of Clubs was the wedding I went to with my great auntie,
We dish-ragged all night on the dancefloor, the music was daunting.
The 2 of Clubs was opening the blinds on a summer night and dancing for the neighborhood to see,
I was the kind of happy they wished they could be.
The 3 of Clubs, attempting cartwheels in the backyard until our hands were tired,
Our energy, still wired.
The 4 of Clubs, spinning in the field each Halloween, eyes screwed closed,
Secrets in the air that have made us composed.
The 5 of Clubs was watching the sunset in a new place,
A much-needed break from a world filled with haste.
The 6 of Clubs, hanging out of the window as we drive through the city,
The music blaring loudly, and we feel so pretty.
The 7 of Clubs, you see that’s a fun one,
Staying up telling stories until we would wake up the sun.
The 8 of Clubs was falling in love,
It felt so real, but nothing to be proud of.
The 9 of Clubs came crashing down,
Leaving the home that I knew, my favorite town.
The 10 of Clubs was where I made new friends,
But after freshman year, they came to their ends.
The Jack of Clubs, joining every club there was,
Even the ones I didn’t want to because,
The Queen of Clubs is the lady I’ve known since age none,
Asked me so kindly to join more than one.  
The King of Clubs was my high school experience,
The one that made me inquisitive and curious.

Hearts are for falling,
For being in love.

The Ace of hearts was my first kiss,
It’s sad it didn’t happen when I wanted it.
The 2 of hearts, that butterfly feeling,
The kind that keeps your mind wondering, reeling.
The 3 of hearts was the first guy I ever really liked,
He was horrible for me, but we all have to learn, right?
The 4 of hearts, that chest sinking suffocation,
You’re crying so hard that the only thing to drown you out is the blaring radio station.
The 5 of hearts is lying in bed,
Wondering why you’re not good enough if it was something you said.
The 6 of hearts was finding a guy who loved me for who I was,
He was an amazing guy, he loved me “just cause”.
The 7 of hearts was our first kiss,
The kind you see in movies, at the top of the Wheel of Ferris.
The 8 of hearts was falling hard and falling fast,
We were inseparable, I thought this time it would last.
The 9 of hearts was him meeting my family,
Love for him started brambly.
The 10 of hearts, I was happy with how things were,
He posted a picture of me, the caption? “I love her”.
Jack of hearts, she walked in, and immediately I was uneasy,
We were “just friends” too baby, it makes me queasy.
The Queen of hearts, we broke up and before long he was with her,
I couldn’t breathe, I didn’t leave my bed for days.  It hurt.
The King of hearts, I’ve moved on,
But my heart to you is still drawn.

Diamonds are for admiration,
For new beginnings.

The Ace of diamonds, I got out of bed one morning,
My family hadn’t seen me in days, due to the relationship I was mourning.
The 2 of diamonds was when I started seeing friends again,
Laughing felt good, my mind was ready for when,
The 3 of diamonds was the first time my fingertips touched a ukulele,
The gift of music is something I gave to me.
The 4 of diamonds was when I started the self-discovery process,
Looking up at the sky while I was at the pool, realizing how my life is blessed.
The 5 of diamonds was a movie date with a boy I’d had a crush on since sophomore year,
Talking, laughing, and smiling ear to ear.
The 6 of diamonds, I took a vacation to a beautiful far away place,
I started forgetting what it felt like to look at his face.
The 7 of diamonds was falling in love with nature, and realizing I was all I need,
For the earth plants something in you and hope is the seed.
The 8 of diamonds, I stand up for what I want now,
She’s not a doormat, that she won’t allow.
The 9 of diamonds was saying what I mean and meaning what I say,
I stay this way forever I pray.
The 10 of diamonds was finally learning to love my weekends alone,
For you won’t judge yourself if you eat 10 ice cream cones!
The Jack of diamonds, loving the skin I was in without requiring someone else telling me to,
They say you should love yourself before involving yourself in a relationship, and now I do.
The Queen of diamonds, being at peace with yourself,
Putting yourself on a pedestal, on a higher shelf.

The King of diamonds, sharing your growth a person,
Learning to love in a better version.

My deck of cards, how I hold them dear,
You are a true blessing to give them your ear.
They share a story that you may learn from,
In your faith, they will affirm.
