There is always something to do, it's just a matter of wanting to
Whether it's cleaning my room or working outside or just plain work
That's when I procrastinate and just put it off until later
When I was a kid it was very very different
Don't tell mom or dad you're bored, because they can easily "un-bored" you
So I'd color some pictures or play in the yard
I'd bother my brother until he would do something with me
We would play cards or games or make something up
Sometimes we'd go outside and Isaac would build something (I just handed tools)
But now it's not so simple, I keep myself busy in very different ways
When I'm tired I take a nap, or at least try anyway
Or I'll watch TV or Netflix, I'll find a show
Sometimes I think I'm "hungry" and stare at the fridge for a while
When there's nothing in there I move to the pantry
If there's still nothing, I lower my standards and repeat
If I'm alone I'll play music and kinda do a little jig
Or go outside and put the hoop up, I'll shoot some baskets
If for some reason I'm motivated I'll clean my room or mow or something productive
Sadly that's not normally the way I feel
But that is what I do, before and now
I become "un-bored"