As I look around the circle, all of us have our phones in hand, deeply intrigued by what the screen says. As a little guilt comes over me, I slowly put my phone behind my back, and start a conversation with the girl on my right. What kind of world are we living in? A world where the gift of conversation becomes replaced with texting. The gift of spending time with those who matter most, becomes replaced by a little device. This can even lead to worse, people can't wait to text someone back, so they choose to text while they drive..putting not only them, but others at risk too. Can't we just put them down for once?
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Our demons
According to legend, an old Indian once said we have two wolves inside of us, one evil and another good. These wolves are in a constant battle and we must never allow the evil to defeat the good. But isn't there a way that the two can live in harmony? Become sort of a grey wolf, a mix of both our goods and evils?
But nobody ever looks at that really, they either let their demons hang over their heads and help them make their life choices. There are also those who come to terms with their demons and bury them deep and forget about them.
Our demons though are what makes us, they are our flaws, our struggles we fight and try to overcome. We shouldn't bury them deep inside and allow the struggle between the wolves to go on, we should allow them to mix and become the grey wolf that defines us. A mix of our demons, our flaws, our good deeds, and our good thoughts.
What I'm trying to say is, the soul is made up of light and darkness. Our soul shouldn't have to choose sides, our soul should be a mix of light and darkness, a perfect balance, our yin and our yang.
But nobody ever looks at that really, they either let their demons hang over their heads and help them make their life choices. There are also those who come to terms with their demons and bury them deep and forget about them.
Our demons though are what makes us, they are our flaws, our struggles we fight and try to overcome. We shouldn't bury them deep inside and allow the struggle between the wolves to go on, we should allow them to mix and become the grey wolf that defines us. A mix of our demons, our flaws, our good deeds, and our good thoughts.
What I'm trying to say is, the soul is made up of light and darkness. Our soul shouldn't have to choose sides, our soul should be a mix of light and darkness, a perfect balance, our yin and our yang.
Ceratotherium simum
Finding You
Before I had to be
"Bigger, faster, stronger"
Now I am
"Smaller, slower, weaker"
Later I want to be
Monday, September 29, 2014
Can you smell that
What would you do
Without your sense of smell?
Would you miss the crisp autumn breeze?
What about opening a brand new book?
Or your own Grandma's cooking?
Maybe it would be for the better
Wouldn't you say?
You couldn't smell the football boys before practice
And hey,
You couldn't smell your brothers farts
But then again,
You might miss all of those ratchet smells
Wouldn't it be great not to have smells that put you in danger?
I mean nobody wants to inhale secondhand smoke
Unless you plan on dying, you wouldn't have to smell carbon monoxide
Some of you might want to take in the wrench of drugs, but not me
I think I'd miss the smell of hog units
I know, I know
I'm weird like that
But hog units remind me of good ole' Nebraska
I'm sure you'd miss them too
Without your sense of smell?
Would you miss the crisp autumn breeze?
What about opening a brand new book?
Or your own Grandma's cooking?
Maybe it would be for the better
Wouldn't you say?
You couldn't smell the football boys before practice
And hey,
You couldn't smell your brothers farts
But then again,
You might miss all of those ratchet smells
Wouldn't it be great not to have smells that put you in danger?
I mean nobody wants to inhale secondhand smoke
Unless you plan on dying, you wouldn't have to smell carbon monoxide
Some of you might want to take in the wrench of drugs, but not me
I think I'd miss the smell of hog units
I know, I know
I'm weird like that
But hog units remind me of good ole' Nebraska
I'm sure you'd miss them too
Why have a nose?
No smells.
No bad smells.
No good smells.
None, nada.
Why do I even have a nose?
I miss the scent of my grandmas house,
how it smells of freshly baked cookies.
The smell of that special guys's cologne,
the flowers he brought me, never to be smelled again.
I desire to smell the aroma of coffee or the scent of someone grilling.
I spend hours trying to catch a wiff of my perfume.
I see the candle burning but no scent comes from it.
It rains all day, once it stops I don't smell the dewy smell I love.
Christmas is close but it doesn't smell like it.
I want my sense of smell back,
no I need it back.
Without smell I've been through some dangerous situations.
I didn't smell the smoke, thank God for fire alarms!
In the halls people avoid me, laugh at me,
oh no I must smell bad again.
"Mom when will dinner be ready?"
"Honey we ate an hour ago, didn't you smell it?"
No. No I didn't.
I'm getting dizzy, I collapse.
Doctors say there was carbon monoxide in the air, I'm lucky to be alive.
Stupid nose, if you worked I would have smelled it and been fine!
There are some things that I don't miss tho.
Farts and dirty diapers and throw up..nuff said!
Sitting next to the stinky kid in class doesn't bother me.
When a kind old lady passes me I don't gag from the scent of her perfume.
The smell of sweaty football boys that lingers in the halls before practice.
I don't cough while standing next to a smoker.
Rotten milk may still look and taste gross but at least I can't smell it.
While my brother puts his feet in my face I laugh,
I don't plan on telling him I can't smell.
Noses aren't just made for running,
don't forget what they are really there for.
Take a deep breathe in and smell all the wonderful smells around,
good or bad, you never know when it will be the last time you smell it.
Believe me I nose what I'm talking about!
No bad smells.
No good smells.
None, nada.
Why do I even have a nose?
I miss the scent of my grandmas house,
how it smells of freshly baked cookies.
The smell of that special guys's cologne,
the flowers he brought me, never to be smelled again.
I desire to smell the aroma of coffee or the scent of someone grilling.
I spend hours trying to catch a wiff of my perfume.
I see the candle burning but no scent comes from it.
It rains all day, once it stops I don't smell the dewy smell I love.
Christmas is close but it doesn't smell like it.
I want my sense of smell back,
no I need it back.
Without smell I've been through some dangerous situations.
I didn't smell the smoke, thank God for fire alarms!
In the halls people avoid me, laugh at me,
oh no I must smell bad again.
"Mom when will dinner be ready?"
"Honey we ate an hour ago, didn't you smell it?"
No. No I didn't.
I'm getting dizzy, I collapse.
Doctors say there was carbon monoxide in the air, I'm lucky to be alive.
Stupid nose, if you worked I would have smelled it and been fine!
There are some things that I don't miss tho.
Farts and dirty diapers and throw up..nuff said!
Sitting next to the stinky kid in class doesn't bother me.
When a kind old lady passes me I don't gag from the scent of her perfume.
The smell of sweaty football boys that lingers in the halls before practice.
I don't cough while standing next to a smoker.
Rotten milk may still look and taste gross but at least I can't smell it.
While my brother puts his feet in my face I laugh,
I don't plan on telling him I can't smell.
Noses aren't just made for running,
don't forget what they are really there for.
Take a deep breathe in and smell all the wonderful smells around,
good or bad, you never know when it will be the last time you smell it.
Believe me I nose what I'm talking about!
Friday, September 26, 2014
My Snoz
I feel like the Sphinx
The air is empty
No wafting aromas
I can't sense a cooking meal
The grill just isn't the same
Mowing the lawn is boring
Coffee beans don't beckon me
Everything really really sucks
But there are some upsides
Passing gas cannot harm me
I'm not phased by a branding steer
And the lunchroom isn't so repulsive
The bad still outweighs the good
I long for a wisp of my girlfriend's perfume
My grandma's house isn't as welcoming as it used to be
God please, I need my sense of smell back!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
You taught me Five Crowns
It was impossible to win
You were almost always the champ
Now you're playing cards with your grandfather
You taught me how to woodwork
We built a blue bird to put outside
You'd never let me handle the tools
You didn't want me to get hurt
You were a fantastic cook
I was happy when you liked my food
It meant something
Now you get to cook with Grandma again
I got back from church
My mom wasn't home
I decided to hang in the basement
Playing video games with my siblings
Dad came downstairs
I knew something was wrong
He woke my brother up
I waited in anticipation
My dad told us the news
It wasn't good
My mom had just called to tell us
You passed on
I tried to hold it in
I wasn't strong enough
I ran upstairs
Tears in my eyes
I needed to be alone
I locked myself in my room
I couldn't believe what had happened
I didn't know what else to do
You were in pain
You're in a better place now
You get to be with you're parents again
I try to be happy but I can't
I love you so much
I miss you
I wanted to do so much with you
You will be with me emotionally
I wanted you at my graduation
At my wedding also
I needed you at the hospital
When I got my transplant
I need you to talk to
I seek some answers
But now you've gone away
I miss you grandfather.
-Lil J. J.
It was impossible to win
You were almost always the champ
Now you're playing cards with your grandfather
You taught me how to woodwork
We built a blue bird to put outside
You'd never let me handle the tools
You didn't want me to get hurt
You were a fantastic cook
I was happy when you liked my food
It meant something
Now you get to cook with Grandma again
I got back from church
My mom wasn't home
I decided to hang in the basement
Playing video games with my siblings
Dad came downstairs
I knew something was wrong
He woke my brother up
I waited in anticipation
My dad told us the news
It wasn't good
My mom had just called to tell us
You passed on
I tried to hold it in
I wasn't strong enough
I ran upstairs
Tears in my eyes
I needed to be alone
I locked myself in my room
I couldn't believe what had happened
I didn't know what else to do
You were in pain
You're in a better place now
You get to be with you're parents again
I try to be happy but I can't
I love you so much
I miss you
I wanted to do so much with you
You will be with me emotionally
I wanted you at my graduation
At my wedding also
I needed you at the hospital
When I got my transplant
I need you to talk to
I seek some answers
But now you've gone away
I miss you grandfather.
-Lil J. J.
Name Game
Name Game
People always wonder why my name Chene (c-h-e-n-e) is spelled differently than Shane. (s-h-a-n-e). I say it's because I was meant to do something unique. But others just say it has no meaning.
The day before today, I was called big oak, being known as a strong willed, hard shelled, human.
On this day I am known as accomplished, for the way I can control my emotions in certain situations.
I believe my true name is creative, hurt, regretful, and friendly, for the ways I act towards my past and for the way I answer the futures challenges.
In another world, I was known as the Lone Ranger, because I was always doing things on my own.
In the dream world within my mind, I am called a fallen angel. Why? Because I've dealt with death, pain, and I am still dealing with depression.
I have had many mind sets in my lifetime... But I enjoy the one I am in at the moment because I haven't let anything, let alone anyone, get in between what I believe the future holds for me..
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
High school days
As the days go by, it seems my high school life is going goodbye. I know it's only the start, but in a flash it'll be all over. I will think back and say I wish I didn't want it to go away. High school only lasts a short while so make it worth the while. Making friends, getting enemies, those are all my memories. But I won't forget the moments that were amazing...the downer days seem to slip away. I wish I didn't blink my high school days away.
To My Greatest Friend..
I remember the greatest nights as kids.
The time we'd play dress up,
While dancing and singing on a kitchen island.
Or the times we'd fail at the blameless Easy Bake Oven.
When I think back to our times of laughter,
They'd always be the best of times.
Like when we'd sit in the bathroom of Memorial stadium,
Just to watch the husker football game because it was too cold outside.
Shed always make me smile when I was the one to come to for help in life.
My friend sees the world in another dimension.
I can always tell when her heart is beating faster than the words babbling out of her mouth.
But what really gets me are those moments when we can share each others thoughts,
While giving the same exact opinions.
Getting overwhelmed on what to wear to a dramatic Middle School Dance,
Or when we'd say do my hair and I'll do yours.
Being the second pea in the pod can go a bit far,
Especially when the other knows everything about you.
But she always seems to be right there...
The time we'd play dress up,
While dancing and singing on a kitchen island.
Or the times we'd fail at the blameless Easy Bake Oven.
When I think back to our times of laughter,
They'd always be the best of times.
Like when we'd sit in the bathroom of Memorial stadium,
Just to watch the husker football game because it was too cold outside.
Shed always make me smile when I was the one to come to for help in life.
My friend sees the world in another dimension.
I can always tell when her heart is beating faster than the words babbling out of her mouth.
But what really gets me are those moments when we can share each others thoughts,
While giving the same exact opinions.
Getting overwhelmed on what to wear to a dramatic Middle School Dance,
Or when we'd say do my hair and I'll do yours.
Being the second pea in the pod can go a bit far,
Especially when the other knows everything about you.
But she always seems to be right there...
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Ma name
My name is Ronald
Yesterday my name was cookie lovin' #2
My secret name is Ronnie
My name really means mighty ruler/ counselor
My last name means brave warrior
My name is Ronald
And my name is more than a name...
It's power.
-Optimus prime
I'm called Amber on a daily basis.
By night, I am "ma'am" or "HEY WAITRESS!"
At home I'm "Am" or "Sissy".
Even in Spanish, I'm Luna.
All of these put a name to my face,
But no one really knows ME.
My name is Iridescence,
I change color with every angle you look at me.
I am a rainbow-like play of color,
Caused by different refractions of light.
I have a lustrous quality.
I am me. But nobody notices.
By night, I am "ma'am" or "HEY WAITRESS!"
At home I'm "Am" or "Sissy".
Even in Spanish, I'm Luna.
All of these put a name to my face,
But no one really knows ME.
My name is Iridescence,
I change color with every angle you look at me.
I am a rainbow-like play of color,
Caused by different refractions of light.
I have a lustrous quality.
I am me. But nobody notices.
I remember
When a person had
A smile,
And truth
That Radiated out,
From that magnificent being,
Like sun rays shining through a cloud.
I remember
And a gentle heart,
That built the walls,
Of their very core
I remember
How this
This was not just a person
But a role model.
A guide to all,
A person who responds
To cries of help
Showing kindness
I remember
And a beautiful mind
That created a visionary
Who could achieve
Achieve anything thought possible
Or impossible
I remember,
And always will,
A Hero.
Monday, September 22, 2014
I was lost in the sea of a nameless face,
As stars fell into bits of broken crystal,
Cutting deeply into skin and bone
My thirsty eyes drank up the night sky
And like an old drunk, I drank it all,
I was Christopher Columbus and this was my new world.
The sunrise, the beginning of an end
I woke into a bittersweet nightmare
Where flowers welcomed me with deadly, ragged teeth
Whispering in languages I do not know
I can't be lost
Then, a face between the gentle colors
My soul fluttered to the harmony of song
But utterly blinded by perfection, I did not see
How the waters mocked my discovery
Bon voyage, they chanted into the night
And soared through the specks of dust
I will ever flee into midnight heavens
To behold the face that longingly awaits for me
And dance to the ruthless beat of ocean waves
Beyond broken crystal that were once stars
For I am found in the sea of a nameless face.
As stars fell into bits of broken crystal,
Cutting deeply into skin and bone
My thirsty eyes drank up the night sky
And like an old drunk, I drank it all,
I was Christopher Columbus and this was my new world.
The sunrise, the beginning of an end
I woke into a bittersweet nightmare
Where flowers welcomed me with deadly, ragged teeth
Whispering in languages I do not know
I can't be lost
Then, a face between the gentle colors
My soul fluttered to the harmony of song
But utterly blinded by perfection, I did not see
How the waters mocked my discovery
Bon voyage, they chanted into the night
And soared through the specks of dust
I will ever flee into midnight heavens
To behold the face that longingly awaits for me
And dance to the ruthless beat of ocean waves
Beyond broken crystal that were once stars
For I am found in the sea of a nameless face.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Driving Nebraska-Journey Poem
Driving Nebraska
In spring the grass and flowers
Beginning to poke through. Snow melting
Streams running, birds returning, trees budding.
Grass grown tall, sun hanging tall and bright
Warming ever more, the Gaillardia blooms
in the road ditches with sunflower soon behind
As autumn comes Black-eyed Susan's finish their blooming
Retiring to brown, the crops harvested in, school resuming
Leaves falling and football, pumpkins and spice drift though the air
Old man winter comes howling in, dumping snow all around creating
A beautiful winter wonderland. The lights and decorations go up on
Every house, Church bells toll to gather us to celebrate Christ's birthday.
And the cycle continues season by season
As we drive through our great state!
Each of us on our own journey to a different
Result of life, no matter that result.
We travel the road together!
In spring the grass and flowers
Beginning to poke through. Snow melting
Streams running, birds returning, trees budding.
Grass grown tall, sun hanging tall and bright
Warming ever more, the Gaillardia blooms
in the road ditches with sunflower soon behind
As autumn comes Black-eyed Susan's finish their blooming
Retiring to brown, the crops harvested in, school resuming
Leaves falling and football, pumpkins and spice drift though the air
Old man winter comes howling in, dumping snow all around creating
A beautiful winter wonderland. The lights and decorations go up on
Every house, Church bells toll to gather us to celebrate Christ's birthday.
And the cycle continues season by season
As we drive through our great state!
Each of us on our own journey to a different
Result of life, no matter that result.
We travel the road together!
A run to clear your mind
I wake up tired
The smell of coffee wakes me
It's delicious smell telling me to wake
I grab a cup and poor a glass
Moving silently my family still asleep
I grab my jacket and pull on my shoes
It's morning barely any light
I go out the back door
the cold misty air sends a shiver up my spine
It had rained the night before the ground soft
Not many people are awake as I start to run
My feet pounding the pavement
My lungs filled with cold air burn
But I continue running
The sun starts to rise but I still can't see it
The peaceful morning sounds as a car drives by
And a dog barks in the distance
I slow as I reach the cemetery
I look thru the fence silence
I turn and run home
My head clear and ready for the day.
The smell of coffee wakes me
It's delicious smell telling me to wake
I grab a cup and poor a glass
Moving silently my family still asleep
I grab my jacket and pull on my shoes
It's morning barely any light
I go out the back door
the cold misty air sends a shiver up my spine
It had rained the night before the ground soft
Not many people are awake as I start to run
My feet pounding the pavement
My lungs filled with cold air burn
But I continue running
The sun starts to rise but I still can't see it
The peaceful morning sounds as a car drives by
And a dog barks in the distance
I slow as I reach the cemetery
I look thru the fence silence
I turn and run home
My head clear and ready for the day.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
I wake up in the brisk dawn as the sun is rising over the wispy seas. The steady tipping of the ship is like the world attempting to rock me back to sleep. I fight that feeling and rise up the sails and turn starboard towards a place unknown. The steady breeze which smells of salt rallies the crew for another day at sea. I stare off into the distance as an object appears to be coming closer. I set full sails ahead when I realize the object is a ship of the Normandy Raiders, who have been attacking civilian fleets for months now. Hours pass before we settle side by side as war cries screech out and cutlasses chime. Gun-smoke plumes out of the barrel of my pistol as Raider after Raider fall to the deck. I run and jump to the other ship, dodging the falling mast that has now made a land bridge between the ships. My head is jolting from side to side, scanning the ship for the captain while I fight in the chaos. I finally spot him falling to his knees with a cutlass in his chest and my best mate standing over him. A mighty war cry booms from my lips as I raise my cutlass in the air and charge toward the remaining Raiders. I stand tall at the end of the day while the whole Raider crew lay on the deck motionless. I lost many great crew-mates today but that is my life, the life of a pirate.
Welcome to the Jungle
Life is a highway overrun by
Evil Kangaroos that have long eyelashes
The kangaroos caused global warming,
Darn says the mice nothing we can do,
We can't hunt crocs it's just not right.
The crocodiles flew to Timbuktu and yelled crikey!
The Roos shot them for flying over Rooville
If green veggies were legal this would have never happened.
Green veggies don't solve anything when kangaroos are trying to take over the world
The kangaroos smell the scales in the crocs
The crocs touch the light after the roos road house them
The crocs couldn't see the love the Roos had for them
They were saving them from hand bag makers
Everyone knows they can't sew in October
The kangaroos with the long eyelashes must be stopped
Who can do this, some say Only the eagles, the eagle's chicks don't want them to go
The eagles have enough to worry about with all rabbits being shot by pigs,
Or while other eagles are getting decapitated by jackals
Eagles can't help when the elephants and donkeys run the world anyway
The Roos caused global warming. They're trying to take over the world, and no one can stop them.
Evil Kangaroos that have long eyelashes
The kangaroos caused global warming,
Darn says the mice nothing we can do,
We can't hunt crocs it's just not right.
The crocodiles flew to Timbuktu and yelled crikey!
The Roos shot them for flying over Rooville
If green veggies were legal this would have never happened.
Green veggies don't solve anything when kangaroos are trying to take over the world
The kangaroos smell the scales in the crocs
The crocs touch the light after the roos road house them
The crocs couldn't see the love the Roos had for them
They were saving them from hand bag makers
Everyone knows they can't sew in October
The kangaroos with the long eyelashes must be stopped
Who can do this, some say Only the eagles, the eagle's chicks don't want them to go
The eagles have enough to worry about with all rabbits being shot by pigs,
Or while other eagles are getting decapitated by jackals
Eagles can't help when the elephants and donkeys run the world anyway
The Roos caused global warming. They're trying to take over the world, and no one can stop them.
Little Bird, Fly Away
My first day of kindergarten is vivid in my mind.
For me, the annual first day picture had just begun.
I remember having few front teeth to complement my summer tan.
My gleam was so large, and the backpack much too big.
There was three kids along with my dad,
And every few years the crowd got smaller.
After a while, there was only two kids.
The amount ever dwindling, now there's just me.
The nest is getting smaller, and I'm still growing up.
Some days, the house sits in silence,
With no more toddlers, no more childish squeals.
Some days all we have the chance to say is goodnight.
There will come a time when I will have to go through the same thing.
My kids will grow up, sadly, and they will leave my nest.
Then I will know how my parents feel,
To be the only ones left in the big house, made for more than two.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
High School Confessions
Throughout life, we as humans experience change. Sometimes more frequently than we would like, but there you have it. As a high school student, I found change my constant companion. There were many new developments as I passed through the system: new classes were added, our school name changed with a merger, the softball program formed, my class load difficulty accelerated, new staff arrived, etc. By junior year, I was often with my teachers, coaches or sponsors more than I was at home. Yes, I was perhaps involved in everything possible. And granted, I understand every kid and their experiences are different....but more often than not, this is a case easily applied to students today. Change.
My point is, on certain days my history teacher was just my history teacher and my science teacher was just a science teacher...and so on. But more often than not? I found within my classrooms educators who were more than just there to share new information with me on their mastered subject. Often I found advice, guidance, and support when I needed it most. They accepted me for the striving, determined, flawed creature I was, as I accepted them. Respect developed. It should come as no surprise that I am in my current profession because of the kindness and brilliance I found in my coaches, sponsors, and teachers.
Sometimes I stand in front of my own classes now and experience a random memory that brings a smile to my face. Who could forget the taste of a Phyllis cinnamon roll? Or getting to school early just to line the hallway floor? Sometimes as I step over freshmen legs in my hall, I see our heads bent together working on homework or catching up on the gossip developed overnight on MSN.
In other instances, student conversations will take me back to the time in my life where I too was in their generation may not have experienced the level of technology issues, nor had gripes with a federal-restricted lunch program, but some things truly never change.
Case in point: on this beautiful Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Blocher, my high school English teacher turned co-worker and now great friend, offered to buy me a drink from the local coffee shop. As the two of us found ourselves enjoying a refreshing peach smoothie on my front porch, conversation flowed. More often than not, our conversations of "catching up" go from the latest news, stresses, and joys to reminiscing.
Today we found ourselves laughing and sharing "confessions" of sorts from our respective high school days. As adults--one must not be a teacher for this to be true--we sometimes have to enforce rules that teens don't always fully appreciate. For some reason, the subject this day turned to school policies on dress code.
And so, to prove that teachers (or adults in general) understand more than students think we do, Mrs. B and I decided to each share a confession of sorts.
Mrs B's story:
When I was a freshman cheerleader, we got new skirts, which were somewhat short for way back then. Principal Tuch made us come to his office and ordered us to get on our knees. If our skirts did not hit the floor, we had to go home. Mine did not. So twenty miles later, I was quickly grabbing a conservative dress at an appropriate length. So short lengths have been taboo since the dark ages.
Ms. O's story:
I am not a fan of labels. However, to cut to the chase, I will just say that I was (in my opinion) a "good girl" in high school. BUT I did have a stubborn, sarcastic, and ornery streak that I will admit still exists today. Throughout my entire Jr. High and High School career I only got one detention (and sorry Mrs. H, I still think that was a joke...a playful push on a friend's shoulder after she had just done it to me? Come on). Fast forward to the very last day of senior year. Not only did I have Alice Cooper's "School's Out For Summer" in my backpack ready to play over the speaker system, I also was wearing what was a pretty new outfit. For my birthday that March, my aunts had given me two layering tanks with 1/2" straps in two different shades of light blue paired with a dark blue zip up light jacket from Abercrombie & Fitch. It being in the later part of May, it was warm so I chose to leave the jacket behind. It was my last day, right? We were only checking out of classes anyway. WRONG. As I pulled open the doors by the high school office, our principal stood there talking to my then softball coach. With the crook of his finger, I walked over to them.
"Cassie," he shook his head. "I'm sorry, but you are going to need to change."
"Seriously? It's the last day, and the two of them together equal 1"....come on, Mr. Lambert."
But he didn't budge, and my coach took pity on me and gave me a softball t-shirt from her room to wear over my two (what I think now would be considered modest) tanks until the end of the day. Luckily, said principal letting the seniors rub it in that we were done with Alice Cooper's jam made up for it.
Oh, memories!
When it comes to Mrs. B, many great memories come to mind--before our merging, she taught us Jr. High English as well as Psychology, Sociology, English 10, and Creative Writing. I know I am not the only one in my class that still remembers her coming to school with poison ivy and trying not to "drip" on us :). She was at that level of dedication, folks! We learned the value of writing and the power of debate, truly seeing both sides of a topic. Her love of nature and ONP rubbed off on many of us.
A mentor and teacher then; a co-worker and true friend now. We may change over the years--our priorities, our commitments, our dreams, our friends, our appearance--but, as has been discussed with my Creative Writing kids, memories are there for a reason. And change is certainly not always a negative thing. It is good to treasure all memories...the good, the bad, and the confessed :).
~Ms. O, with a special appearance by Mrs. B!
My point is, on certain days my history teacher was just my history teacher and my science teacher was just a science teacher...and so on. But more often than not? I found within my classrooms educators who were more than just there to share new information with me on their mastered subject. Often I found advice, guidance, and support when I needed it most. They accepted me for the striving, determined, flawed creature I was, as I accepted them. Respect developed. It should come as no surprise that I am in my current profession because of the kindness and brilliance I found in my coaches, sponsors, and teachers.
Sometimes I stand in front of my own classes now and experience a random memory that brings a smile to my face. Who could forget the taste of a Phyllis cinnamon roll? Or getting to school early just to line the hallway floor? Sometimes as I step over freshmen legs in my hall, I see our heads bent together working on homework or catching up on the gossip developed overnight on MSN.
In other instances, student conversations will take me back to the time in my life where I too was in their generation may not have experienced the level of technology issues, nor had gripes with a federal-restricted lunch program, but some things truly never change.
Case in point: on this beautiful Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Blocher, my high school English teacher turned co-worker and now great friend, offered to buy me a drink from the local coffee shop. As the two of us found ourselves enjoying a refreshing peach smoothie on my front porch, conversation flowed. More often than not, our conversations of "catching up" go from the latest news, stresses, and joys to reminiscing.
Today we found ourselves laughing and sharing "confessions" of sorts from our respective high school days. As adults--one must not be a teacher for this to be true--we sometimes have to enforce rules that teens don't always fully appreciate. For some reason, the subject this day turned to school policies on dress code.
And so, to prove that teachers (or adults in general) understand more than students think we do, Mrs. B and I decided to each share a confession of sorts.
Mrs B's story:
When I was a freshman cheerleader, we got new skirts, which were somewhat short for way back then. Principal Tuch made us come to his office and ordered us to get on our knees. If our skirts did not hit the floor, we had to go home. Mine did not. So twenty miles later, I was quickly grabbing a conservative dress at an appropriate length. So short lengths have been taboo since the dark ages.
Ms. O's story:
I am not a fan of labels. However, to cut to the chase, I will just say that I was (in my opinion) a "good girl" in high school. BUT I did have a stubborn, sarcastic, and ornery streak that I will admit still exists today. Throughout my entire Jr. High and High School career I only got one detention (and sorry Mrs. H, I still think that was a joke...a playful push on a friend's shoulder after she had just done it to me? Come on). Fast forward to the very last day of senior year. Not only did I have Alice Cooper's "School's Out For Summer" in my backpack ready to play over the speaker system, I also was wearing what was a pretty new outfit. For my birthday that March, my aunts had given me two layering tanks with 1/2" straps in two different shades of light blue paired with a dark blue zip up light jacket from Abercrombie & Fitch. It being in the later part of May, it was warm so I chose to leave the jacket behind. It was my last day, right? We were only checking out of classes anyway. WRONG. As I pulled open the doors by the high school office, our principal stood there talking to my then softball coach. With the crook of his finger, I walked over to them.
"Cassie," he shook his head. "I'm sorry, but you are going to need to change."
"Seriously? It's the last day, and the two of them together equal 1"....come on, Mr. Lambert."
But he didn't budge, and my coach took pity on me and gave me a softball t-shirt from her room to wear over my two (what I think now would be considered modest) tanks until the end of the day. Luckily, said principal letting the seniors rub it in that we were done with Alice Cooper's jam made up for it.
Oh, memories!
When it comes to Mrs. B, many great memories come to mind--before our merging, she taught us Jr. High English as well as Psychology, Sociology, English 10, and Creative Writing. I know I am not the only one in my class that still remembers her coming to school with poison ivy and trying not to "drip" on us :). She was at that level of dedication, folks! We learned the value of writing and the power of debate, truly seeing both sides of a topic. Her love of nature and ONP rubbed off on many of us.
A mentor and teacher then; a co-worker and true friend now. We may change over the years--our priorities, our commitments, our dreams, our friends, our appearance--but, as has been discussed with my Creative Writing kids, memories are there for a reason. And change is certainly not always a negative thing. It is good to treasure all memories...the good, the bad, and the confessed :).
~Ms. O, with a special appearance by Mrs. B!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
I'm Home
People want to be sought after
To be noticed as missing
They want to know that you noticed they weren't there
They want to be chased
And thrown over a caring shoulder
So you hide in hopes of being found
You run to find a blanket nearby
Covering your face and trying not to make a sound
You just sit and wait...
The door creaks open and anticipation pulls the corners of your mouth
Laughter escapes and you can't be quiet any longer
A familiar voice echoes in your ears
"Where's my little bird?"
As soon as you try to keep your composure
You're dangling from broad world bearing shoulders
"Ah, there she is"
"I'm home"
To be noticed as missing
They want to know that you noticed they weren't there
They want to be chased
And thrown over a caring shoulder
So you hide in hopes of being found
You run to find a blanket nearby
Covering your face and trying not to make a sound
You just sit and wait...
The door creaks open and anticipation pulls the corners of your mouth
Laughter escapes and you can't be quiet any longer
A familiar voice echoes in your ears
"Where's my little bird?"
As soon as you try to keep your composure
You're dangling from broad world bearing shoulders
"Ah, there she is"
"I'm home"
Laughter is the music of the soul.
It brings back anyone who has ever left.
It's like seeing someone's eyes shining.
It feels like fresh dew in the morning.
Sounds like a baby saying their first word.
Tasting like the ding of the oven when something delicious is done.
Miley waving to her fans in New York.
She doesn't wave though.
That dork who never wins? -yeah he just won.
The reason he did so well is because he didn't try.
Yeah, it's good to shock people.
He went so fast he flew over everyone else.
Jess thinks he's crazy.
The ball winks at him every time before it goes in.
When he gets to college he will be a starter.
Yeah, it's good to shock people.
It brings back anyone who has ever left.
It's like seeing someone's eyes shining.
It feels like fresh dew in the morning.
Sounds like a baby saying their first word.
Tasting like the ding of the oven when something delicious is done.
Miley waving to her fans in New York.
She doesn't wave though.
That dork who never wins? -yeah he just won.
The reason he did so well is because he didn't try.
Yeah, it's good to shock people.
He went so fast he flew over everyone else.
Jess thinks he's crazy.
The ball winks at him every time before it goes in.
When he gets to college he will be a starter.
Yeah, it's good to shock people.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Why Change?
We all do this everyday. It can be small, or it can be big. What is it that we all do, is change. This is a natural thing, and that change isn't changeable. We all have to be changed at one point or another. It can be by an experience or someone else opinion.
We change, and its not a secret. I have seen some of my friends who never could see anything or care about things that happens as long as it isn't them. They are now very observant and actually care. I have also had friends drift away because I wasn't able to "conform" to what they want. I don't understand how that change happens in less than a month or how they seem to lose so much interest that fast.
The nature of change is simple. We seem to just find something and latch on and it makes us different. I have a couple friends who were country kids and we had a pact to be the greatest farmers and seed producers in all of Nebraska. They both now feel that they are "called" to be a teacher and a senator about a week ago. I wish things were the way they've always been. I miss the careless fearless kids we were. The time to forget this will come and that will be my change.
Mr. Dodge
Conforming to the Norm
Not wearing that dress to school because you would be asked why. You don't curl your hair because everyone would notice you. Everyone is trying to fit in with the crowd. We are too busy conforming to what's "cool" that we forget who we even are. If you dress up on a day everyone else wears sweatpants, you stick out like a sore thumb. Nobody wants to be viewed as an individual. Shouldn't we want to be our own unique person? When did our society start to promote unoriginal personalities?
Friday, September 12, 2014
Put it down
In the world today we are so ruled by technology and I know that this is ironic that I'm going to complain about this on a computer. Many people have a thousand friends online and never talk to them. Even when they do they aren't making eye contact with any of them and having a true conversation. Just put it down, and look up because what if you meet the one? You go out, have fun, learn to love every imperfection, grow old together, and you're sitting by their bed holding their hand. Talking about your time together, your grand babies, and your children growing up and with their final breath they say one last "I love you" and leave the earth. But you never get that fantasy because you didn't take the time to look up. As I said before, I get that it's ironic I'm doing this from an computer but it's something you have to do to get your message across. So please listen to me. Put it down, look up and experience life for what it is, not a screen but a big open world.
~ Ceratotherium simum
~ Ceratotherium simum
Hiding personalities
As I walk through the halls
Passing each and every person
I wonder what they're thinking about
And how they're feeling
And what it would be like
To be them.
To be in their mind, shoes, and body
To be competing in every struggle or
Feeling every heartbreak and
How that reflects their everyday lives.
People are judgmental.
This is what I have concluded
From every move somebody makes,
From every twitching eyebrow,
And from every word that wasn't spoken
But wanted to be.
People aren't courteous.
This is what I have concluded
From every hello that was rejected,
From every fail that was never given encouragement,
And from every minute spent on themselves
And not somebody else.
People aren't who they say they are.
This is what I have concluded
From every thought that was never put into action,
From every laugh that wanted to be a cry,
And from every lie that ever led to another.
People hide themselves everyday
Because they're afraid of who they are
Afraid of who will judge them or
Frighten them or
Get in their way.
From the facial expressions we make
To the words that come out of our mouths
It affects somebody,
In a positive or negative way.
Passing each and every person
I wonder what they're thinking about
And how they're feeling
And what it would be like
To be them.
To be in their mind, shoes, and body
To be competing in every struggle or
Feeling every heartbreak and
How that reflects their everyday lives.
People are judgmental.
This is what I have concluded
From every move somebody makes,
From every twitching eyebrow,
And from every word that wasn't spoken
But wanted to be.
People aren't courteous.
This is what I have concluded
From every hello that was rejected,
From every fail that was never given encouragement,
And from every minute spent on themselves
And not somebody else.
People aren't who they say they are.
This is what I have concluded
From every thought that was never put into action,
From every laugh that wanted to be a cry,
And from every lie that ever led to another.
People hide themselves everyday
Because they're afraid of who they are
Afraid of who will judge them or
Frighten them or
Get in their way.
From the facial expressions we make
To the words that come out of our mouths
It affects somebody,
In a positive or negative way.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
I remember getting the call saying she was born.
I remember holding her for the first time.
I remember the smile on everyone's face.
I remember watching her grow.
I remember when she started walking.
I remember when she said my name for the first time, I never want to forget that.
I remember how ornery she is.
I remember her jokes.
I remember how sassy she is.
I can't wait to remember everything else she does.
I remember holding her for the first time.
I remember the smile on everyone's face.
I remember watching her grow.
I remember when she started walking.
I remember when she said my name for the first time, I never want to forget that.
I remember how ornery she is.
I remember her jokes.
I remember how sassy she is.
I can't wait to remember everything else she does.
"You know my name, not my story"
"You know my name, not my story." What does this mean? Yesterday, I saw a little girl, brown curly hair, big brown eyes that sparkle like the night sky. She came up to me, looked at me in the eye, smiled and said hi. The next day came and I saw this girl again but this time, she was different. She looked different, she wasn't smiling and had her head down. I didn't know what to say so I just said hi. Instantly I saw her black eye and bruises everywhere. She touched her eye and said "You know my name, not my story."
I went home that night and thought what to do, what to do. I listened to her voice replaying in my head, saying "You know my name, not my story." I was just puzzled and asked myself, what happened to her? It was a Thursday, at school, I heard she wasn't in school by my friend and I was getting really nervous and wondering about her. Friday morning, in home room, my teacher announced that that girl died from leukemia Thursday at 4:00. "You know my name, not my story."
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Old Inspiration
I'm walking back from football practice. It's been a decent practice. Not a good one, but it had its upsides. I'm just happy to be on the way to the school so I can hop in my car, get home, and pass out on the couch.
As I'm walking, I'm joking with my teammates and observing the neighborhood. Just then I see two kids, around 10 years old, presumably brothers, playing football, the game I had just got done practicing. One boy was the quarterback, the other lined up on the line-of-scrimmage, waiting to run a route. Involuntarily, my mind went racing back to the days when I was their age. The memories of recess football flooded into my head and I just thought, "Wow. I'm walking here, glad to be done playing football for the day, while they're in their front lawn, dreaming of the day they get to be me and do what I do!"
Then all the desires and dreams of my 9-year-old self filled my conscious. All the days that I spent outside throwing a football into a tire. All the months I spent with my friends on the school playground, fantasizing what it would be like to do this on a Friday night when we were older. All the years I spent wanting to be a quarterback for the Boone Central Cardinals.
This gave me a new perspective. Or maybe it made an old perspective new again, I'm not sure. All I could think was Here I am. Right where I wanna be, where I've been dreaming about my whole life. And I'm taking it for granted. Since then I've played football with a reborn passion. I will make the most of these next two years.
Blaine K.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Lost memories
Lost Memories in Time
I love you like I love my mom...
Oh wait, you are my mom,
Which means that I haven't forgotten your voice,
I remember your cookies coming out the oven, smelling like chocolate,
Which means i actually liked them for the warmth they gave my gut
I remember the way you would sing to me at night,
When I was scared of the storm outside,
I remember your angelic voice telling me "I love you"
Which means you are still in my heart no matter what,
I remember the last time I saw you in your hospital bed,
Because I miss you and want nothing more than to see you one last time,
I remember the times we went riding in your old beat up silver Oldsmobile,
Which means I didn't forget you getting a ticket for driving to fast,
I remember the way you gave me my first bike,
When you brought it out of our old rickety shed, shining so bright, as if it were a star,
I remember when you brought me to my first day of kindergarten,
Meeting Ms. Nichols, seeing all my classmates, eating pizza with all of the families,
I remember how well you controlled your emotions under certain circumstances,
Because you always had a way of keeping things calm,
I remember having my first loose tooth,
Of you wanting to pull it out with a washcloth,
I remember how nice you were to everyone, no matter what they said or did to you,
Because you were just that kind of person,
I remember when you first got sick, and had to go to the hospital,
Because you passed out before we got even close to the emergency room,
I remember not understanding what was going on,
Since I was so young, I couldn't quite comprehend why everyone was acting frantic,
I remember being scared when you couldn't remember who I was when you were weeks away,
So I was brought to my dads for my own convenience,
I remember being told that you had passed away, and me asking what that meant,
So my dad told me that my mother was no longer with me on earth, that she had died,
I remember jot believing him and running away from home towards the Petersburg park,
Because I just wanted to get away from all that I thought were lies,
I remember going home with tears flowing from my eyes, going towards my upstairs room,
Because I just wanted to seclude myself away from the world around me,
I remember being mad at myself for not being by her side before she passed,
I remember being angry at my dad for not being with my mom when she got sick,
I remember being bullied by students for not having a mother in my life,
I remember having to explain to my parents why I would come home in tears,
But most importantly, I remember after she had passed away, all the good times we shared,
I remember crying at night because she is not in my life anymore,
But I do know she is in a better place and that she is watching over me with a heart of gold,
I know she wants nothing more than for me to be happy and to look forward in life,
I know she doesn't want me to be depressed, but to be joyful of who I have in life,
I know she is my Guardian Angel who will protect me when I'm in trouble,
Now I must continue my journey to happiness and complete school, I know she would want that.
I love you like I love my mom...
Oh wait, you are my mom,
Which means that I haven't forgotten your voice,
I remember your cookies coming out the oven, smelling like chocolate,
Which means i actually liked them for the warmth they gave my gut
I remember the way you would sing to me at night,
When I was scared of the storm outside,
I remember your angelic voice telling me "I love you"
Which means you are still in my heart no matter what,
I remember the last time I saw you in your hospital bed,
Because I miss you and want nothing more than to see you one last time,
I remember the times we went riding in your old beat up silver Oldsmobile,
Which means I didn't forget you getting a ticket for driving to fast,
I remember the way you gave me my first bike,
When you brought it out of our old rickety shed, shining so bright, as if it were a star,
I remember when you brought me to my first day of kindergarten,
Meeting Ms. Nichols, seeing all my classmates, eating pizza with all of the families,
I remember how well you controlled your emotions under certain circumstances,
Because you always had a way of keeping things calm,
I remember having my first loose tooth,
Of you wanting to pull it out with a washcloth,
I remember how nice you were to everyone, no matter what they said or did to you,
Because you were just that kind of person,
I remember when you first got sick, and had to go to the hospital,
Because you passed out before we got even close to the emergency room,
I remember not understanding what was going on,
Since I was so young, I couldn't quite comprehend why everyone was acting frantic,
I remember being scared when you couldn't remember who I was when you were weeks away,
So I was brought to my dads for my own convenience,
I remember being told that you had passed away, and me asking what that meant,
So my dad told me that my mother was no longer with me on earth, that she had died,
I remember jot believing him and running away from home towards the Petersburg park,
Because I just wanted to get away from all that I thought were lies,
I remember going home with tears flowing from my eyes, going towards my upstairs room,
Because I just wanted to seclude myself away from the world around me,
I remember being mad at myself for not being by her side before she passed,
I remember being angry at my dad for not being with my mom when she got sick,
I remember being bullied by students for not having a mother in my life,
I remember having to explain to my parents why I would come home in tears,
But most importantly, I remember after she had passed away, all the good times we shared,
I remember crying at night because she is not in my life anymore,
But I do know she is in a better place and that she is watching over me with a heart of gold,
I know she wants nothing more than for me to be happy and to look forward in life,
I know she doesn't want me to be depressed, but to be joyful of who I have in life,
I know she is my Guardian Angel who will protect me when I'm in trouble,
Now I must continue my journey to happiness and complete school, I know she would want that.
Do You Like Me
I think I have fallen in love. I can't explain it. I thought we were good friends but as we have talked my feelings grew into something more. I asked you out. You said yes. We went on a musical date. I then sent you a special note. It said
Do you like me?
___ YES
___ NO
You responded quickly. I got too excited. You checked the No box and I asked you why. You like a different girl. You even told me her name. It turns out the main reason you went out with me is so you could spend time with her. You told me that directly I don't know why. I thought you were a really nice guy. It turns out you are just a jerk!
Do you like me?
___ YES
___ NO
You responded quickly. I got too excited. You checked the No box and I asked you why. You like a different girl. You even told me her name. It turns out the main reason you went out with me is so you could spend time with her. You told me that directly I don't know why. I thought you were a really nice guy. It turns out you are just a jerk!
The life we live
The life we live
The rain playfully dancing on the window is a heartbeat pounding hard out of a caring chest.
The rain changes color, dripping into each individual person's mood.
Red rain glides down the cheeks of a passionate couple in the streets.
Blue rain covers the jacket of a poor homeless woman on the curb.
Yellow rain soaks the smiles of a happy family giggling on the sidewalk,
But black rain, embraces the lives of all around.
Struggles of life begin to take their toll,
Wearing away at our tired minds until we can't take it anymore.
We walk around everyday in a dreary daze.
Not realizing the good, instead focusing on the negative.
Then comes along something so great, we never knew there was any bad.
Finding strength to get through our personal wars, is turning the page to a new chapter in your book called LIFE.
The rain playfully dancing on the window is a heartbeat pounding hard out of a caring chest.
The rain changes color, dripping into each individual person's mood.
Red rain glides down the cheeks of a passionate couple in the streets.
Blue rain covers the jacket of a poor homeless woman on the curb.
Yellow rain soaks the smiles of a happy family giggling on the sidewalk,
But black rain, embraces the lives of all around.
Struggles of life begin to take their toll,
Wearing away at our tired minds until we can't take it anymore.
We walk around everyday in a dreary daze.
Not realizing the good, instead focusing on the negative.
Then comes along something so great, we never knew there was any bad.
Finding strength to get through our personal wars, is turning the page to a new chapter in your book called LIFE.
Monday, September 8, 2014
There are many problems people face in life, they're more than what to wear or how do to something. Many people have phobias, that could result in you not being able to do some things. I am claustrophobic. The feeling of having people crowd around me, makes me feel like I'm losing the ability to breathe and in some cases I get very light headed. Phobias are very common, even though some are very strange, but they are very real. I have a phobia of being around snakes, snakes scare and disgust me. The way they slither freaks me out, and the fact that they have teeth makes me scared to get bit.
Homework Among the Late Summer Sun

I myself like to find a place of peace and quiet to do the daily work not done in class, or to read a great book you found and can't put down. Thinking about spending that pleasured time outside against the setting sun makes me imagine the same very spot every time. My perfect spot to casually enjoy my homework, or my book I just started has been the same. The comfy outdoor chair decorated with fall flowers on the front deck, along with the beautiful scenery ahead. It just tops it off with perfection as you continue your night. I love my days when I can just work on my homework among the late summer sun.
Friday, September 5, 2014
The Life Of Love
Life is a poem. Write each line as you go, some make sense, some don't.
It's like drawing a line over another line and saying they don't cross.
Pen carves words into eyes that burn into souls so deep.
Pens will be replaced by the latest technology.
Life is a game of black magic and you're the voodoo doll. Do as it says or be bound by a curse.
A potion so toxic, you can hear it eating you from the inside out.
Taste bittersweet poison.
I see him everywhere but at the same time he's never there.
Like the vision of a Greek God I thought was Luke on stage at Wembly. Oh wait, it was.
So close to almost touching his strong fingers.
Plucking the guitar strings, hearing them scream.
Smell his invigorating cologne, drowning my senses from halfway across the room.
Une attraction naturelle.
The absolute definition of perfection, that boy doe!
Rose finds herself losing sleep, causing her to dream.
Life. A bittersweet poison eating you from the inside out.
It's like drawing a line over another line and saying they don't cross.
Pen carves words into eyes that burn into souls so deep.
Pens will be replaced by the latest technology.
Life is a game of black magic and you're the voodoo doll. Do as it says or be bound by a curse.
A potion so toxic, you can hear it eating you from the inside out.
Taste bittersweet poison.
I see him everywhere but at the same time he's never there.
Like the vision of a Greek God I thought was Luke on stage at Wembly. Oh wait, it was.
So close to almost touching his strong fingers.
Plucking the guitar strings, hearing them scream.
Smell his invigorating cologne, drowning my senses from halfway across the room.
Une attraction naturelle.
The absolute definition of perfection, that boy doe!
Rose finds herself losing sleep, causing her to dream.
Life. A bittersweet poison eating you from the inside out.
The beach of life
Life's a beach
Because it is wet and dry
I can smell the salty air
The taste of the water is really salty and... Never mind just don't drink it
The sand is very smooth on my feet
I can see the seagulls diving into the water to consume the oblivious fish who dangerously swim up to the surface
The fish should've swam down
I hear the waves roll up on the shore
Shrek is love Shrek is life...
Then I thought "Optimus, life is good"
Soon another fish will fall in the mouth of the seagull
The fish said no! No don't eat me!
Life's a beach...
-Optimus prime
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Cask of Amontillado
The chains held strong as I struggled to be free
The darkness had come and I couldn't see
I felt the cold chains crying in pain
I knew my friend must have gone insane
My breath was getting shorter with every second
Suddenly I heard a voice for me it beckoned
Thinking back I realized that the chains were rusty
So i stared to tug and pull but the room was dusty
I prayed for forgiveness to The Lord and begged for savior
Kneeling I noticed a niche were my begs heard there was a rapier
My friend would not get rid of me that fast not with impunity
For the free masons fought together in unity
Running up the stairs i stopped to listen
My heart beat started to quicken
Jumping up the last stairs I headed to his room
For he was to meet his dreadful doom
A stuffed bunny
A little girl,
A special day
Santa's here!
Giving gifts away.
She waits in line,
Surely her turn will come,
An old shoebox,
And all has begun.
A stuffed gray bunny,
Ears bent at the sides,
A new beginning,
A friend arrived!
This bunny so dear,
She holds to her heart,
Keeping her near,
For they will never part.
A special day
Santa's here!
Giving gifts away.
She waits in line,
Surely her turn will come,
An old shoebox,
And all has begun.
A stuffed gray bunny,
Ears bent at the sides,
A new beginning,
A friend arrived!
This bunny so dear,
She holds to her heart,
Keeping her near,
For they will never part.
My heart
Is the dust
Drifting from the back roads
To the shoes of travelers.
My veins
Are the roads
I travel on
Grew up on.
My mind
Is the knowledge
Filling my head
Of the people, of the land.
My mouth
Is the voices
Traveling from person to person
On the streets, in fields, in homes.
My ears
Are the white tailed deer
Listening to one another
As they bellow out their calls.
My eyes
Are the blue hairs
Watching and waiting
Ready to learn more gossip.
My nose
Is awakened
By the smell of fresh golden rods
Drifting in the air.
My skin
Is the compassion
Of one another
To swarm in times of need.
This makes my body,
The body of who I am.
Who am I?
I am
A small town.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
A Town's Heart
Animals all around
Beautiful sunrises early in the morning
Colors of wildflowers on the hill
Different pace of life, relaxed
Efficient hard working people
Fun loving youth talk around bonfires
Green pasture surround us all around
Hills are in abundance with seas of corn
Ice comes to the rivers in the cold of December
Jolly people walk the streets eager to have a word with you
Kind people care for the grieving families of the desist
Loving parents protect you wanting only the best for you
Major roads are considered only to be the circuit route
Needing nothing but friends and family
Open to newcomers helping them to get on their feet
Panting dogs and drone bees can be heard in summer
Quiet streets on Friday nights all fall with the boys beating Norfolk catholic
Resting is reserved for the sabbath
Snow fills the streets in the winter
Tolling bells call us to Chruch for Easter and Christmas
Uniting us always in to perfect harmony with the land and sky
Veering storms come and go
We surround ourselves with love and joy
Xylophones played in our small little concert band
You can make a difference having fun
Zzzzzzz are a sign of a hard days work
This is a small town.
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